Well I guess I can't clean up now.
latest #79
1 months ago
He made himself a little bed, and then took a nap
aww he's all grown up i can't believe...
1 months ago
Awwww a cutie!
I know he got so big!
I love him, even if he's a bit of an orange cat stereotype
1 months ago
one whole scoop of orange sherbet
Yup. That's what he is
pumpkin boy jack
I once thought of the pumpkin king when he was little. Now, it's pumpkin spice pudding for a brain.
it's true....
No thoughts, just festive mush
Shape shaped
1 months ago
oh my goodness he got a little fluffy too how gorgeous
Shape shaped
1 months ago
very plush fur
He is a very pretty cat. With a very crunchy meow
1 months ago
His spot and bag now
I love his dumb face so much. Animals have this thing about them that makes you love them even if they're idiots or annoying. Jack has that 'thing' about him in mass.
I will not move him, I couldn't stand to
Shape shaped
1 months ago
oh I love a crunchy meow
His is so crunchy. He doesn't meow often but everyone hears when he's got something to say
Shape shaped
1 months ago
that's adorable
He's pretty darn cute, and he's lucky. It's hard to be mad at him even when he's being an absolute ass. He likes trash cans, unfortunately.
Shape shaped
1 months ago
oh no not a trash kitty
He was born on the streets and has retained some bad habits unfortunately. But he's sweet and doesn't mean to be troublesome.
1 months ago
oh god Tip likes to fish things out of the trash
1 months ago
and then share them with the dog who is actually tall enough to lean into the trash can herself, which is why we thought it was her at first, but no, Tip balances on the lip and hoists things out, it's genius and also a problem
Too smart for her own good!
1 months ago
and Nova will tattle on her for picking on Oscar, but because she gets the spoils she won't tattle if Tip's in the garbage
Pets are hilarious
They're such characters
knife rain!!
1 months ago
he's such a baby
1 months ago
what a handsome cutie!
Tonberry King
1 months ago
I love my sweet boy
He really tries
he's a literal bright spot in your life (along with the other cats, tho they are voids)
He really is. He's been worth the work. And tipped over trash bins
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
1 months ago
he's so cute oh no
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
1 months ago
no thoughts behind those eyes
Not a single thought. head empty
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
1 months ago
i love him
I told him so but he was busy sticking his head into bags
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
1 months ago
Important things to do
Yup. Very important cat business
1 months ago
our old girl Val doing her snail impression
1 months ago
long leggies!
He finally moved!
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
1 months ago
He looks so funny like that. It's his favorite way to sit on the couch, he watches the hallway to see who's coming and going
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
1 months ago
A watcher
Shape shaped
1 months ago
d r a p e
1 months ago
oh gosh a dangle-feets
oh jolean loves to drape her legs like cute
long leggies
1 months ago
So Jack and Kiki are both “head full of Mii Theme?”
I love the draped long leggies
Yeah, they both have that or elevator music behind the eyes. They're not clever, but they're loving. And that makes up for it.
It's especially funny to watch them interact because clearly neither know what to do so you get soft baps and little head tilts
I love them, they're so empty headed
We had to shave out some mats on Jiji and she mauled us. We got it done but I really have a high appreciation for cat groomers now.
jiji!!! no mauling
She was so scared
poor baby
She forgave us pretty much automatically though so that's good.
it is good <3
She's a good girl for sure
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
4 weeks ago
Awww poor baby
I feel so bad about it
oh man shaving a cat is so hard
I am in no hurry to do it again
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