♫ 𝓐 𝓑𝓐𝓡𝓓 ♫
1 weeks ago @Edit 6 days ago
I’m planning to take a hiatus, so things will have to be handwaved, but plot with me for July anyway?
latest #9
Regardless of whether or not I get the new job, my work schedule is going to be changing, so I want to experiment with how tagging will fit into that
So July is mostly going to be about catching up with old tags
But if there’s anything anyone would like to do with my characters, let me know!
1 weeks ago
I wish we'd get canon update approval before you hiatus but if not we you get back all the reunion stuff.
captain_flyboy: Yesssss. Whenever we get approval I’d still be willing to do a post for when they get back
Unpleasant Bug
1 weeks ago
hopefully tary and willow can hang out at the shadowgast wedding but otherwise memes are cool
mutanthairything: awww yes I’m all for them hanging out. And definitely all the memes
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