3 months ago
Thrawn post up and moving around the ship!
latest #48
3 months ago
Pings for yarnzipan tinwateringcan Maniette metonumia Blackletter Sephchama for some direct nonsense, thank you guys. And pings for justghosts tricia868 shobogan Lizblackdog siderealtime antipositional for the use of their artwork!
3 months ago
shipoftheseus: I’m not sure if you’d like a thread for Jedao or not, happy to make one for him specifically!
3 months ago
(Again thank you all for being good sports about this, please let me know if you want to do anything different or need a different prompt)
Lady Stardust
3 months ago
3 months ago
Will poke later today!
Mrs. Sheepie
3 months ago
will slam on this when I wake up
Goose Botherer
3 months ago
that works! however he is conferring with his coworker first so I might not tag in immediately lol
3 months ago
Amazing I love it
3 months ago
we good with John doing a 'hey there's a blue skinned, red eyed guy and he murdered my inmate posting?
3 months ago
3 months ago
Thrawn himself might pop up with a "hi yes I'm that person"
3 months ago
yunlan will definitely pop up with photographs
3 months ago
(or screencaps from shitty webcam footage, anyway)
3 months ago
Love it thanks
3 months ago
Oh, did you want me to interact Wu Xin with hunter while Thrawn simply lurks?
3 months ago
Maybe even take the blame for the chair?
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Or did you want Wu Xin talking with Thrawn before the act? Since he's disappearing after, not sure who you want me to thread with.
3 months ago
Mrs. Sheepie
3 months ago
Hunter would definitely ask WX if he saw anyone do it! he's not particularly subtle himself so he says exactly what he means, which WX can take any way he likes, haha
3 months ago
Thrawn to the rest of the ship: okay so I sense none of you work together and everyone is going to get mad at me for pointing it out instead of fixing the issues.
Thrawn to Iris: let’s be besties
Lady Stardust
3 months ago
She adores him instantly
3 months ago
3 months ago
meanwhile Zhao Yunlan is just conspiring with people behind Thrawn's back about this
3 months ago
Thrawn, just vibing: I'm gonna make the hinges in maintenance stronger. :3
3 months ago
(to be honest I love that people wanna punch him in the face already. means he's being IC. oops)
3 months ago
meanwhile Xie Lian's like, i will have to stalk this guy for the next month ish. he did agree to take on this job so he's calm about it
3 months ago
I think Thrawn actually likes Xie Lian in a really...really weird way
3 months ago
One day I'll have a character who isn't a frustration to him
3 months ago
John just doesn't like that he hurt Astarion and then justified it like this is just how it was always going to go.
3 months ago
He'll appreciate him later
3 months ago
desire to punch (or, uh, turn into a sheep for a few days to fuck with his data) is purely defensive of his inmate
3 months ago
I need to go fill out things for the art stuff cause I'm so curious how he and Vincent will hit off
3 months ago
fitting, he IS the black sheep of both imperial and chiss space
3 months ago
yay :3
Mad Larkin
3 months ago
Rawne likes Thrawn, so far
3 months ago
yes sorry john this is why he's an inmate
3 months ago
xie lian doesn't find him frustrating as an individual, as he appreciates people who thinks things through even when he disagrees with them. ...he finds setting off a round of barge revenge tiring but that's separate
3 months ago
:3 bestie!
Goose Botherer
3 months ago
BTW - what could be deduced by someone with Super Observation (Nico) about the tool/tools used on the Engine Room?
3 months ago
yeah! he's gotten through worse!
3 months ago
...he's concerned about that 'meal' question
3 months ago
yarnzipan: basically it just means Thrawn doesn’t want to give up any information about his people that he doesn’t have to. He barely wants to say his own species.
3 months ago
shipoftheseus: ooh good question. He would have used a hard metal clasp or broach, something made of steel but slightly stronger - probably a bit of ship debris from his own quarters. Not a conventional weapon but would do in a pinch to at least alert others that “hey someone is attempting a break in”
3 months ago
oh I know that (given what I know about him) but John doesn't. So he has a concern about him
3 months ago
Haha yeah. Thrawn is a walking concern
Goose Botherer
3 months ago
ALSO, what is the state of Thrawn's own cabin door, tech and lock wise?
3 months ago
Thrawn’s door is thick durasteel and there’s no visible lock: it opens with a touch of his imperial insignia plaque and slides up, not out
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