6 days ago
Keep your tired, we’ve made it a crime to sleep.
And the prisons overflow with poor.
We have no room for huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
Our wealthy will use the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Don’t send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
It’s too great a cost to enter this golden door!

With apologies to Emma Lazarus
latest #9
6 days ago
6 days ago
It's not great, but it just feels like we're destroying everything America was supposed to stand for.

I keep hearing the refrain of Langston Hughes poem in my head, "America never was America to me."
6 days ago
It’s absolutely inhumane and cruel to criminalize homelessness. This Court is beastly.
6 days ago
What Deb425 said.
It's... it's so backwards. shaking my head
Mostly Phen
6 days ago
Wow! Did they suggest where they are supposed to sleep if they don't have a house?
Those arse-holes.
6 days ago
bus them to texas
5 days ago
phenomenull: In jail, or potentially prison, and our prisons are almost completely for-profit now, run by companies instead of counties or government.
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