1 weeks ago
So today was kind of crappy in a mundane way. I think I need to vent bc I've been bottling up my negative feelings
latest #46
1 weeks ago
first off work has been fine and I just have three more days until I have July off
1 weeks ago
Shark week started though so that really sucked but I powered through
1 weeks ago
I treated myself to a pork belly banh mi sandwich
1 weeks ago
it was my first meal of the day and I wanted to really go to town on it but my mom convinced me to save the other half
1 weeks ago
I have a rough relationship with my mom, food, and body image so that played into me conceding but whatever right, I was gonna eat the whole thing eventually and since it's rich and filling
1 weeks ago
I don't think I would have eaten anything else
1 weeks ago
but when I went out to the kitchen later to eat the other half, it was gone bc my sister ate it
1 weeks ago
she didn't know it was mine, she thought my dad brought it home
1 weeks ago
normally this... wouldn't upset me? and I tried to play it off with good humor but it didn't work and I was quietly upset
1 weeks ago
and then I had an almost immediate conversation with Mom in the room about how job stuff was going and I told her I didn't get positive follow ups for assessment I was able to take for some positions i applied for and that just
1 weeks ago
quietly made me feel more shitty
1 weeks ago
so I just holed up in my room today trying to forget about it but
1 weeks ago
period pain and ruminating on it has made me feel 100x more upset
1 weeks ago
idk it's the little things that have eaten away at me today
1 weeks ago
and it doesn't help that the week started off bad too
1 weeks ago
I was busy this past Sunday helping prepare a big birthday dinner party for my second youngest brother and I was just stressed bc I've been doing so much to prepare
1 weeks ago
but I also wanted to go to church service and I usually take my youngest brother with me
1 weeks ago
the thing is, it's ... kind of a chore to bring my youngest brother to church and he's dealing with his own baggage regarding that
1 weeks ago
but we won't go into that
1 weeks ago
but I tried to give him plenty of time to prepare while I helped my mom with other prep around the house
1 weeks ago
I come back to my brother he's still in bed not ready and I was just not having it. he said later that he was still sleepy and not really hearing what I said when I told him to get ready
1 weeks ago
and yeah I got upset and just stayed home. at least the service was streamed
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
and I guess I got over it sort of? he did apologize
1 weeks ago
but clearly not really I'm just
1 weeks ago
idk I'm feeling really sensitive to how I'm being treated and trying not to make a big deal but
1 weeks ago
I guess I just feel
1 weeks ago
sad and disrespected in ways that are hard to describe
1 weeks ago
and just to add on my frustrations with creatively slowing down with writing and drawing, feeling less joy in things I like, and major anxiety if I'm going to be able to find a decent job with benefits that I can safely switch over to
1 weeks ago
I'm trying to improve my physical health by working out and that I've been accomplishing by working out using an app and being consistent
1 weeks ago
I'm making sure I do my part in contributing to the upkeep of the house
1 weeks ago
but I just feel tired and worn out and useless and I hate these feelings bc the last part I know is untrue and I'm putting myself down
1 weeks ago
my sister tried to make up for eating my sandwich by offering to get me something tomorrow but
1 weeks ago
my appetite is kind of dead for this evening and tomorrow
1 weeks ago
like 0 joy rn
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
I did text her explaining a bit and saying thank you for trying to make it up, she's dealing with her own crap and i don't wanna guilt trip
1 weeks ago
and that I'll try to have a better day
1 weeks ago
but I think I'm just feeling very, very, very hollow
1 weeks ago
I'm going to try and drink hot tea and then sleep
1 weeks ago
and see how I feel tomorrow
1 weeks ago
it's 3:18 am and I'm still awake wondering why I'm having an existential crisis triggered by a sandwich
1 weeks ago
aww, Mai, I hope you were able to sleep.... hormones are so rude, but I hope you know, you're doing amazingly and things will even out and look brighter... hopefully soon!
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
thank you Kia, I managed a few hours
1 weeks ago
reporting back.... well I'm gonna try and enjoy lunch with my friend but it was a rough noon
1 weeks ago
friend lunch was nice, i love her kids so feel a little better
1 weeks ago
brought food home and technically this was the first real meal lol... appetite is still very small
I'm thinking of you. All of these things add up and wear you down, a lot of it sounds quite relatable. I'm sorry you're feeling this way, I hope some rest will do you some good.
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