5 days ago
Plot with me for July?
latest #35
5 days ago
Assuming life doesn't chuck anything else at me, hopefully this will be a quiet month.
5 days ago
terriblepurpose Would you like Rorschach to run into Lestat after the thread he had where Louis fed on him?
Mesi Bun
5 days ago
Makoto and Maul need to hang. Maybe she can cook for him, or they can spar.
5 days ago
horreur And a thread where Rorschach talks to Little and thanks him for defending Kate?
5 days ago
likethelibrary: Yes, I'd like that!
5 days ago
heolstor Also wondering if you are up for Connor still meeting Kieren?
5 days ago
Thinking about doing something with Maul using his deer form in this month since I keep forgetting he has it. (LOL)
5 days ago
And just more interaction with Ultron. My ultimate goal is to have him get back his adamantium body with Spoons which I figure will be 500 so I'm glad he has to work for it a bit before he can request it.
5 days ago
He's busy rebuilding his body so I'm also thinking a prompt where people can help or try to hinder.
5 days ago
Nothing on my plate for Beast though I'm thinking of doing a network post with him cause the last one for him I did was all the way back in December.
Luke needs to meet Ultron. Boy has a soft spot for droids; he'd help him try to get parts together.
𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝔸𝕔𝕖
5 days ago @Edit 5 days ago
Also, Luke would be all, "Will you stop terrorizing people," re: Maul's deer form. XD
5 days ago
Luke, just punch deer-Maul in the face. It worked well when Reaper did it
5 days ago
SkylaDoragono: Poor Luke, that's the second hero Ultron is gonna get to help. He's already gotten one of the Peter Parkers to help as well! (LOL)
5 days ago
apomorphine: A fine strategy!
5 days ago
It is a surefire method for snapping him out of it.
Let's do it!
I'm probs gonna have Kieren MIA in July but I am down for them meeting in August when he comes back!
working lunars
4 days ago
(belated) absolutely! they should catch up on Events
4 days ago
heolstor: Sounds like a plan!
4 days ago
terriblepurpose: They can sit there and gossip about Louis after Rorschach interrogates him about their relationship. (LOL)
working lunars
4 days ago
Rorschach getting to hear about the relationship from Lestat...god
working lunars
4 days ago
i'm still deciding what my plans are next month but we'll get something set up
4 days ago
Rorschach after putting up with both of them for months now: You two deserve each other.
working lunars
4 days ago
thank you rorschach
Louis: Yeah I deserve this......
3 days ago
Love the two opposite ways they will be taking that statement.
can she invade for a couch?
3 days ago
But of course! See, Maul actually planned ahead for once and chose a home with multiple rooms.Maul's Folkmore Home
3 days ago
For JUST such an occasion.
Amazing how useful that is!
(she'll eventually do the same: pick a primary home with extra rooms and likely eventually others in other areas)
3 days ago
He was surprisingly optimistic and hoped he'd have family come to make use of them. Luke even stayed with him for a while until he found a place of his own.
which makes sense honestly. Morgan never stopped looking for family/people either
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