any other name
4 days ago
latest #62
any other name
4 days ago
scraped up two ten pulls and I got. two yangyang wavebands.
any other name
4 days ago
lemme just go beat up mounring aix real quick so I'm not wasting not!resin....
any other name
4 days ago
waveplates, that's what the buggers are called
any other name
4 days ago
oh shit it's the thing
any other name
4 days ago
my.... not!paimon...
any other name
4 days ago
it would be so funny if characters could notice and react to how I move around in this game. 'why is the legendary rover doing backflips down the hall' 'don't question it'
4 days ago
lmao that's what I always feel like in genshin 'why is the traveller climbing the wall like a gecko' 'we don't ask why the traveller does what he does! he must have a good reason!'
any other name
4 days ago
it's even worse in wuwa because of the ability to do backflips and little spins in the air and I have a grappling hook thing that can catch on nothing so I am constantly launching myself into the air and spinning around and landing and sprinting and turning around and doing backflips
any other name
4 days ago
it's 10:40pm how much longer can I justify staying up. I gotta be up at uh. 7:40 to get ready to go to temple
any other name
4 days ago
I could actually for once in my life prepare my lunch the night before
any other name
4 days ago
I wanna at least set foot on mt firmament before I shut the game down...
any other name
4 days ago
....changli what the actual fuck is going on with your hair
any other name
4 days ago
did. did you cut some of it off and braid it around gold rings and tie them to your hair?
any other name
4 days ago
any other name
4 days ago literally what the fuck I can pay attention to nothing else now
any other name
4 days ago
yawns. come on mt firmament. obviously this cutscene would go faster if I didn't get constantly distracted. but I actually do want to go to bed
any other name
4 days ago
okay I'm gonna burn some waveplates and go to sleep
any other name
4 days ago
okay I closed the game and it's before midnight look at me go
any other name
2 days ago
changli your tits are. too much.
any other name
2 days ago
and your hair continues to be so stupid
any other name
2 days ago
jinhsi getting cool scales as a symptom...
any other name
2 days ago
why do the scales have to be a bad thing. let jinhsi have cool dragon traits that would be hot
any other name
2 days ago
xinyi is kinda hot
any other name
2 days ago
also she's like, fully clothed, as a non-playable character, so that helps
any other name
2 days ago
any other name
2 days ago
any other name
21 hours ago
jinhsi is basically jue's daughter and she deserves dragon traits not as a symptom. not as a bad thing. make her cool
any other name
21 hours ago
'let me freeze time, and I can ensure your safety' she doesn't want the baby she saved all those years ago to be lost...
any other name
21 hours ago
also I DEARLY want to know what's up with 'lady arbiter'
any other name
21 hours ago
I do like how jinhsi's hair ribbons look like snakeskin
any other name
21 hours ago
I like how jue's tacet marks on its horn things are constantly glowing gold... because she's constantly using her resonance ability to hold back the time
any other name
21 hours ago
ohhhh she was just called Hsi until she was selected as magistrate and then the Jin of Jinzhou was added to her name...
any other name
21 hours ago
this boss fight is gonna fuck hard
any other name
20 hours ago
rover shut up why are you recapping the stakes of the quest we JUST went over this
any other name
20 hours ago
it's so funny how jinhsi has a real strap around her wrist with polygons and everything and then a strap just printed onto her hand
any other name
20 hours ago
and then her other hand has real rings with polygons
any other name
20 hours ago
rover's gloves are real why isn't jinhsi's hand strap
any other name
20 hours ago
it's so jarring
any other name
20 hours ago
any other name
20 hours ago
any other name
20 hours ago
any other name
20 hours ago
why aren't there subtitles of whatever they just saud
any other name
20 hours ago
any other name
20 hours ago
ooh rover established jinzhou city
any other name
20 hours ago @Edit 20 hours ago
one can only assume you intentionally put it in your tacet mark. fuck dude me too but neither me nor abby know shit about fuck so we were kinda hoping you did bro
any other name
20 hours ago
oh more steering to the black shores
any other name
20 hours ago
I started to be annoyed for half a second and then remembered that scar is actually an antagonist
any other name
20 hours ago
just because my scar is annoyed about the black shores courting li xiang doesn't mean I am about them being an option for lai nianming
any other name
20 hours ago
so uh what about jue's mortal wound
any other name
20 hours ago
is it just not a problem anymore now that she doesn't have to hold back the temporal disruptions
any other name
20 hours ago @Edit 19 hours ago
help now I'm just thinking about how the fuck the people of hongzhen like. ate
any other name
20 hours ago
that area is way too small to be self sufficient especially if it was locked in winter
any other name
20 hours ago
but you can't have traders that cross the divide if you lose ten days of your life every time
any other name
20 hours ago
can you like... push a cart over...
any other name
20 hours ago
and they push it back... but what could they even pay with
any other name
20 hours ago
what are the exports of mt firmanent
any other name
20 hours ago
loong pearls? fuckload of those around and they're not on the mainland
any other name
20 hours ago
love how the game doesn't translate loong I think that's kicky
any other name
20 hours ago
oh hi phrolova
any other name
20 hours ago
your eyes are cool
any other name
19 hours ago
'can't let a certain someone wait too long behind bars' oh they're gonna go break out my blorbo
any other name
19 hours ago
good I couldn't stand it if he was off the stage for too long
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