Vic Lenoirre
2 days ago
It sucks to be an empath at times. A coworker was talking about her old arthritic dog and started crying. I almost bawled. I felt so sad too and I've never met her dog. And I've known her for 7 months only.
latest #8
Vic Lenoirre
2 days ago
She has to decide to let her dog be put down. He's old. He has a leg and hip problem. He's always falling down. She adores him. Awww.
2 days ago
2 days ago
My wife is a full empath and I am partial. I can sympathize with you.
2 days ago
I bawl over a lot of youtube videos with animals.
Vic Lenoirre
2 days ago
Tillie: Awww. I don't usually watch animals videos. Or if I do, they're funny.
Vic Lenoirre
2 days ago
ChefKarl: I don't think I'm a full empath. If I were, I think I'd scream because I'd feel negativity strongly, and I usually don't. But sadness and excitement, lust, nervousness...those I can feel like they're my own.
2 days ago
It caused my wife test anxiety as she picked up all the stress from all the other students.
Vic Lenoirre
ChefKarl: I can imagine. I'm the anxious type even without picking up on nervous feelings. I could tell when one of my coworkers was nervous about public presentations. He will present in September when the new students start optometry school. We sell medical Ophthalmic equipment. He should be OK ad long as he practices.
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