any other name
5 days ago
containment Plurk
latest #10
any other name
5 days ago
This poor girl was like “I’m a 36C” and I was like ...can I measure you and she is. A 38G
any other name
5 days ago I just think this marketing is so funny. This is the first time it’s ever gone on sale so like. Yeah. Fuck dude it sure do.
any other name
5 days ago
It’s sorta dead for a Friday... lots of time with fuckall to do
any other name
5 days ago
And so I am. Refreshing my email for tags
any other name
5 days ago
Tagging Sunday with Robin gets to wait for my full attention tho
any other name
5 days ago
My coworker was apparently... hot? At her house? So she came in like an hour early to be in our AC here
any other name
5 days ago
My feet hurt... I wore my work shoes today and I sort of wish I hadn’t but I can’t just cheat and wear my illegal shoes forever
any other name
5 days ago
Have parked myself on a bench bc it’s dead
any other name
3 days ago
One of the new transfer associates reorganized all the panties while I was gone? Help I’m territorial and I don’t like change
any other name
3 days ago
Organizing is MY thing
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