morphin time
1 weeks ago
Work is super slow today thank god
latest #13
morphin time
1 weeks ago
my little orange asshole of a cat woke me up a whole half hour earlier than usual wanting out of my room.... so by the time my alarms did go off I was half-dead
morphin time
1 weeks ago
so it means that I can probably get some tagging in today, maybe even sneak in some episodes of Evolution idk?? usually I stick to podcasts and listening to youtube while I'm working but I think I can get away with it
morphin time
1 weeks ago
jaderhade poor Kotone, Morph sort of stumbled into the teen drama with their own drama going on lmao... I'mma explain that in my next reply
1 weeks ago
LMAO poor morph, kotone just like well!! nothing in life is permanent and that's going to have to be ok!!! :-)
morphin time
1 weeks ago
Morph is legit just like... if Scott isn't with Jean does that mean that Jean is with Logan. Is there some sad version of Morph floating around in that timeline (there isn't but they don't know how rare they are in the timelines yet)
1 weeks ago
hfkskfja well (spoilers for persona 3) but kotone is dead so like, if they go home, kotone is not in the running LMAO
morphin time
1 weeks ago
haha OOPS
1 weeks ago
but yeah i have to go back to work but i could talk abt that for hours LMAO
morphin time
1 weeks ago
man crossover ships always bring the good drama when it comes to 'we have to part some day', you know I love that shit
morphin time
1 weeks ago also finally found the full art of this variant cover for the comic... it's very cute
morphin time
1 weeks ago
whew. my stomach's super upset today and news is like 'whoops! it's all bad!'
morphin time
1 weeks ago
can't even really talk to my BFF about what upsets me because it also upsets him, which is. pretty much whatever happens anytime something upsets me. color me fucking surprised
morphin time
1 weeks ago
me when I can't even vent:
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