any other name
6 days ago
I had a ten pull on standard banner and I got... calcharo again
latest #6
any other name
6 days ago
I was sorta hoping for encore but I do main calcharo so like, I'll take the waveband
any other name
6 days ago
I'm so torn between using my free five star on encore or on a waveband for verina because w1 is like, dead useful looking
any other name
6 days ago
but encore is great
any other name
6 days ago
but also how many characters do I really need to build simultaneously, I say, dragging yinlin and jiyan uphill so I have more playable options than just my forever team of havoc!rover/calcharo/verina
any other name
6 days ago
I would be fine with just three characters but for the fuckin tower thingy and shit I do have to have more than One Team available
any other name
6 days ago
I probably need to build baizhi properly for backup healer
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