latest #39
spent most of my day in the emergency room
hey I have a sinus infection
but I have meds for both
i remember seasided told me about having a 'come to jesus' moment (figuratively) and guess I just hit mine
i am very scared and also very tired
but they gave me the good drugs
well good for like me passing out between the hours of 8 and 10:30 at the er
i just want to feel better
the virgo in me obsessively looking up what I can and can't eat
okay none of this is stuff I hate
but until like I can gather the energy to grocery shop guess it is low sodium chicken soup and low.sodium saltines
oh honey
6 days ago
/huggles you
It is scary but also thankfully super manageable as long as you're good with your meds and keep mindful of sodium
And managing it will make you feel a lot better I didn't even realize how much it was affecting me until I addressed it and things got better
Did they stick you on amlodipine?
6 days ago
/hugs/ You can do this Nia I believe in you.
You got this, Nia.
I am still grateful that it's relatively manageable and that you can get better soon. I'm sorry that you're having to deal with it over all, but if you rest and eat healthy food, you'll feel better
what everyone said, this is scary but manageable (being on bp meds myself and caring for someone on three)

It also explains the vertigo since sinuses are dicks and interconnected with everything.
Hypertension is super manageable in this day and age, and you really do have this. Sinus infections blows, but I have faith in you. Just do your bp checks and take the meds. You'll have it all down in no time. So much love to you my friend.
my god I am crying you guys
why are you all so wonderful!
i mean I am not a fan of fatty or greasy foods but at times it is convenient so like adjusting my diet I am not worried about-- like I know that if I eat healthy I can manage a little splurge here and there. I have an appoitment with my primary care on july 15th where we will get this adjusted
nothlir: thank you, Gigi also L.I.T.A says hi.. we did not return until 11 last night and wow she was cross
So I have an appointment with the primary care for this particular issue
Fun part of the whole 'adventure' was I was wearing my Mighty Nein shirt and the lab tech was evidentally a D&D nerd so while he was sticking me, he was asking me what my favorite classes to play were
I think it was to distract me from like getting sticked (which I was sticked TWICE-- because ahaha deep veins)
but jokes on him because I do not have a fear of the spiky bois
yarn witch
6 days ago
It’ll take some getting used to, I’m sure, but I’m glad that it’s manageable. I believe in you, and I hope you feel better soon!
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