1 months ago
latest #66
1 months ago
so this is actually easy
1 months ago
the new 52 retcon
1 months ago
and all of Ward
1 months ago
but i guess more specifically all of Amy's parts in Ward
1 months ago
and if we're only including worm, the answer is. the empire 88. which as you might expect is the nazi gang that takes up a lot of attention as one of the two major gangs in brockton bay at the start of the story. the other being a close contender just based on how unbelievably stupid it is, that being the ABB (azian bad boyz) which is
1 months ago
a gang that 1. only accepts "asians" (read: east asians) and 2. blackmails every east asian person to join their ranks or bad things happen. wildbow understands gangs and racial minorities soooo well, you can tell based on how utterly nonsensical that is as a gang practice.
1 months ago
the empire 88 makes more sense as a supervillain organization since it's a real world evil that now has superpowers and funny costumes and uses that to spread their influence. but the story has the protagonists reasoning with/teaming up with the nazis for The Greater Good like three seperate times before they get wiped out.
1 months ago
(they still hate them and think they're absolute scum but it's just. so fucking obnoxious)
sup bb
1 months ago
wildbow really likes "we have to work with the nazi" plots huh.
1 months ago
1 months ago
and then the son of empire 88's leader becomes a hero, and he still loves his family even though he doesn't like them or approve of their beliefs, so he chooses the new name........ golem. something he is so clearly immensely proud of. you might think that he'd dedicate himself to stopping his family but no, his actual goal is stopping a completely seperate
1 months ago
supervillain organization, who then actually wipe out the empire by murdering all of them.
the groke
1 months ago
i totally forgot about golem
1 months ago
he's very forgettable. he doesn't end up actually doing anything important
the groke
1 months ago
i think it was also the part with the really boring endbringers
1 months ago
the chicago wards era is a bit of a slog yeah. which is part of the point but man its painful
1 months ago
oh yeah i didn't elaborate on dc
1 months ago
so i don't actually think there's anything i would retcon that has had a big enough impact on damian to stick. batman vs robin was deeply stupid, his teen titans run was a mess even if i don't necessarily think i'd do away with it (they were his friends), but the new 52 specifically did away with a lot of damian's relationships that i am invested in
1 months ago
steph, tim, cass, jason, dick, colin, chris. they were all affected by the retcon generally for the worse universally. even jason who was already kind of a mess. and beyond that i just fucking hate everything the new 52 did with every other character.
1 months ago
even if batman & robin (2011) was better than batman & robin (2009) it was still subject to the same retcons about talia that had talia raising damian since infancy and playing a much more active role in his abuse because the new 52 sapped any nuance away from her character way more than anything even morrison specifically did.
1 months ago
but my personal biggest hater button about new 52 is everything they did to babs, who went from one of the most powerful and important heroes in the dc universe to an extra appendage of the batfamily that is just sort of There as a permanent teenager with no independence or relevance of her own. leaving aside the horrific ableism inherent within the
1 months ago
whole wheelchair thing or the disrespect in retconning cass and steph away, they reduced her to Nothing. just a less interesting version of steph with character traits and motivations that were never actually there in the original character because she was taken from the chair solely so didio could jerk off to the thought of babs in the 60s show.
1 months ago
and by less interesting version of steph i mean the steph in her batgirl run. which i also have issues with as a steph characterization.
1 months ago
anyway nobody should ever get into comics
my babs grudge is so severe that it made me drop dc entirely after a lifetime of being a fan
that was just so fucking odious and I'll die mad about it
but also this weird asian gang thing sounds WILD LOL
no spoilers
1 months ago
still can't believe it, it's like wildbow put together a racism cocktail specifically to fuck with me
no spoilers
1 months ago
i can see why you said this meme was easy
1 months ago
wisdombitch: there was like, work done with babs to facilitate fixing it and her returning to oracle (the chip malfunctioning meaning that being batgirl was putting her at risk as it could fail at any point) and then she was mostly being written by tom taylor who thinks that would get in the way of being nightwing's girlfriend so we'll just ignore that.
1 months ago
the one thing i will say about the ABB as an aspect of the setting is that the leader is actually an interesting character. lung. amy's dad's boyfriend who always comes to their family tea parties
no spoilers
1 months ago
i'm afraid to ask about the family tea parties
or are they actually wholesome
1 months ago
they are wholesome
1 months ago
amy's dad really loves her and he likes to have tea parties, and he just ends up including lung
yeah, I heard about some of the work they've done and some authors handling it better than others... but man, did them doing this to the only rep we've got in dc was a hard pill to swallow. on top of. everything else. reboot was a WILD TIME
1 months ago
i only dipped my toe into comics the year after the reboot and then properly got into them about 2017
1 months ago
i can hardly imagine how much the reboot must have sucked for everyone lmao, especially with the very sharp decline in quality that followed
1 months ago
oracle wasn't even just. the only rep either. she was genuinely really great rep. she was wheelchair bound and she wasn't perpetually miserable about it. other people angsted more about her injury than she did, she found a way to be happy and competent and actually evolved waaayyy past being batgirl. and on top of that she was like... flawed, and interesting
1 months ago
1 months ago
babs was a straight up MOTHER figure to SEVERAL TEENAGERS. only for them to turn around and make her a teenager again because she's just sexier like that ig!
yeah, I actually wrote a piece on how babs inspired me as a new wheelchair user back in like 2016 and gail simone liked it and then reboot happened like immediately after lol
she was badass and competent and had several complex platonic and romantic relationships as the grown ass woman and morally complicated woman she was and then she got born sexy yesterdayed on us
batgirl babs just isn't interesting anymore I'm sorry!!! this is what we have our new gen girls for!!!!!
1 months ago
yeah like
1 months ago
babs is probably my third favorite member of the batfamily (it goes damian, then steph, then babs), except. if you specify rebirth and new 52 babs. she's my least favorite. because she serves literally no fucking point in the dynamic anymore.
1 months ago
she went from being an incredibly powerful force in the dc universe who had a similar amount of influence over the events happening all over the world to like. batman. except unlike batman oracle never limited herself to one city. to being......................... dick's girlfriend.
I didn't even like dickbabs in PREBOOT
suicide squad oracle come back I miss you
1 months ago
dinahbabs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
yes dinahbabs IS my favourite babs ship I admit u_u
1 months ago
because you have good taste
WE have good taste!!!!
1 months ago
https://imgs.plurk.com/QEC/vp2/5CVFgr16rSwZOjMacrrF6LcPDuf_lg.jpg the panel that started it all. iconic.
1 months ago
insane that they said "tone down the homoeroticism we don't want people Getting The Wrong Idea" and then the artist drew that
esp when iirc this was written by known homophobe chuck dixon
and the artist did THAT
the level of egregiousness is on the same level as that wolverine cover with the beer bottle
1 months ago
yeah dixon is really good at accidentally writing gay people
1 months ago
though i think people exaggerate that with tim.
1 months ago
babs and dinah however... situationships abound
1 months ago
oh also dimension 20, i would get rid of all the time wasted in season one on biz glitterdew, the least interesting dimension 20 villain.
no spoilers
1 months ago
Holy crap look at that panel. Amazing
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