any other name
1 weeks ago
latest #14
1 weeks ago
a chickadee
1 weeks ago
elven wrongs
1 weeks ago
I can only associate you with your specific cats easily
elven wrongs
1 weeks ago
any other name
1 weeks ago
to be fair I'm pretty sure koschei gets his anxiety from me
elven wrongs
1 weeks ago
I mean there's the. whatsis. rose goblin thorncat from October Daye.
any other name
1 weeks ago
hell yes
any other name
1 weeks ago
absolutely I can be one of those
elven wrongs
1 weeks ago
I think that is my association, between username and "same fandom!"
any other name
1 weeks ago
lowkey my gender is 'rose golem' so
any other name
1 weeks ago
rose goblin I think the thorn cats are
any other name
1 weeks ago
they are so good I love them
1 weeks ago
big fluffy orange cat
1 weeks ago
cat of all catse....
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