5 days ago

1) feel free to also put ones you associate with my characters and 2) hard mode no ducks
latest #14
How about a mouse, because you didn’t say none of those lol But also because they’re sweet, adorable, and energetic
5 days ago
I was tempted to add "no mice" ngl =P Ah well.

i don't know if I'd describe myself as energetic but thanks all the same~
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Honestly you don't give me duck vibes, you kinda give me, like. Is it weird to say goat vibes? Cute and affectionate but also very much gonna do what you're gonna do and do and if it vexes somebody that's a bonus tbh V:
5 days ago
LEGIT SNORTED i didn't see that coming but I love it??? I'm picturing like. a billy goat or one with those big curly horns headbutting someone.
5 days ago
just busting through a fence with the latest chaos my characters (webby) has brought HERE COMES MEL
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Absolutely. Just "Oh, what have you done now, what disaster have you wrought? ....Ahhhh, I can't stay mad at you, you're too delightful STOP EATING MY HAIR"
5 days ago
also I'm remembering this reddit post where a teacher was asking for advice on why their students were insulting them and calling them a goat, redditors asked/clarified "do you mean GOAT?", they said yes, and in a heartwarming reveal, the students did indeed mean to call their teachers Greatest Of All Time. daw.
5 days ago
seconding mouse
Klein Kasgrove
5 days ago
Dammit, Yon keeps coming in with answers I have to second. I cannot unsee goat, it's too good
5 days ago
Mouse for sure. One that needs stealth lessons.
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