1 weeks ago
/[Fandom rant] /rubs temples/ Why, oh why, do I keep running across hot-takes that try and reduce Wesker to a one-note murderhobo? I mean, sure. RE5 kind of had him go into Bond Villain Stupidity mode, however...
latest #10
1 weeks ago
Dude was kind of in Villainous BSoD-mode, thanks to having his worst fear confirmed, ie. that Spencer "manufactured" him.
1 weeks ago
I feel like it's... people projecting onto him from a place of inadequacy.
1 weeks ago
He's more interesting as a complex, multi-sided character who might not have qualms about getting blood on his boots, but... who's generally a lot more calculated about it. He's more likely to kill someone who's no longer useful to him or who's gotten between him and something he wants.
1 weeks ago
It wouldn't surprise me if he did undergo some kind of personality shift after his death and resurrection in the Arklay lab, causing him to be even colder and more calculating and more of a dark empath with more emphasis on 'dark'.
1 weeks ago
However....he's far more interesting to write when he's masking that side of him, much like he did during the two years in the RPD S.T.A.R.S.
1 weeks ago
I doubt he was a Bad Boss then: his team members certainly look up to him and trust him (Know who was the Bad Boss? Brian Irons, the RPD chief)
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
I genuinely hate the habit of making villains less complex and human to try and offset apologetics. One: There's villain apologetics for real life people, you ain't gonna stop em because some people are just stupid. Two: You butchered everything interesting about the character to make a moral point.
1 weeks ago
This is coming from a person that sort of loves near one note murdergoblins.
1 weeks ago
I'm unfamiliar with Wesker. But I HAVE seen multiple people talk recently about the tendency of fandom to quickly reduce characters to being one-dimensional, easily categorized. "This character's the cold, hard, kick-butt tough guy, while this one is the Team Mom!"
1 weeks ago
Not only is this usually incorrect, but what often drew people to these characters in the first place was the very human nuances that were present in their characters. That set them apart from lesser efforts.
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