Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago vomits into the sun
latest #27
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago
I just took psychic damage
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
What the fuck is this
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Why is this “news”
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
the 24 hour news cycle was a mistake
1 weeks ago
hey apple, what's your source on this
1 weeks ago
and it can't be twitter
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
hey Apple? What's your source? I wanna talk to them for a few minutes
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Just wanna talk
1 weeks ago
wonder if the source was actually like "I sure wish that supporting a household could still be done on one adult salary, rather than requiring partners to both work full time"
1 weeks ago
like... all the more power to the women who want that life for themselves, but I think most of us are happy to be able to provide for ourselves and for it to be a choice
1 weeks ago
and the reporter was like "so instead of abandoning your dreams for a soul-draining career, you want to abandon them to become a traditional housewife instead, got it"
1 weeks ago
staying at home cooking sounds great when ur trapped in the hell of shitty jobs that pay u less than a living wage but i dont think its the aspirational dream tiktokers would make it out to be
grass greener etc
∞ sword girls
1 weeks ago
INTENSE psychic damage. someone rez me
1 weeks ago
for real, I don't think women's rights movements would've happened if a majority of women were happy like that.
1 weeks ago
(Real talk, I remember a kid's show called Johnny Test, it was dumb at points but I appreciated how forward it was for having the mom being the breadwinner and dad was stay-at-home parent. I recall Rugrats sort-of having a dynamic like this with Angelica's parents)
1 weeks ago
If you remember Daria's mom she was a pretty badass lawyer who was the family breadwinner.
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
I didn't watch Daria a whole ton sadly, I was too young for it. But I love that <3
1 weeks ago
point is, wanting one partner to stay at home to help raise a family is not a bad thing. But it has to be doable on one income. And it's becoming less and less doable with jobs that don't require education that costs tens of thousands of dollars more than it should.
1 weeks ago
and not everyone wants that for themselves. double income no kids is a popular model for people who know they don't want to be parents and are comfortable with that
1 weeks ago
... I'm sorry I just realized this is way off topic now x_x but yeah that news title is just... ridic.
Braided Elf
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
the ironic thing about tradwife fad is that the people pushing it are technically working by pushing the aesthetic/lifestyle and getting those sweet sponsorships
the tradwife movement is also a pretty straight shot to white supremacy shit. but no, it's not "many women" it's some loud women
1 weeks ago
Braided Elf
1 weeks ago
I get a lot of Fundie Church vibes from it, too
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