2 weeks ago
Down another pound today. Which means I've lost at least 7 lbs and possibly more (when our last scale broke, I never replaced it...until last week, that is).

Ken had lost 15 lbs on Saturday. Not sure what the number is now, but you can definitely tell a difference. (I can't see it on me yet).
latest #8
2 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/1SOeqSsN0HH4Faqx51rlR9.jpg https://images.plurk.com/DPRv6iVPxaUt5eNmtCzH3.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3BXiGmsMmVxlkDOomSISQ0.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2rgoR0Axqla1TfQeOTeh3i.jpg

The first 2 are from our cruise in January, the last 2 from yesterday.
2 weeks ago
assuming weight loss is intentional and not the result of illness, congratulations!
2 weeks ago
It's amazing to see! I'm so glad for you both. It also makes a HUGE difference with inflammation and mental alertness and overall wellness.
2 weeks ago
Tamsie: We started keto about 2.5 weeks ago. The weight loss is from the change in eating habits.
2 weeks ago
I'm glad it's been working well for you guys! :-D
2 weeks ago
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