[email protected]
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Ransomware attack behind massive disruption to natio...Menegangkan, Ini Detik-Detik Brain Cipher Ransomware...ini tuh gak kompeten aja atau gimana sih ceritanya? selalu ada cerita2 ajaib dari instansi negara yg ngurusin digital digitul
1 months ago
ga kompeten aja belom sih kalo ini Dip (rofl)
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Not defending Indonesia government, but cybercriminals are mostly far sophisticated than any government or even multi bi/trillions IT companies.

It’s more of problem for anyone everywhere.

Just few weeks ago UK’s NHS system got attacked by ransomware and there’s almost weekly ransomware attack in hospital systems in the US.
1 months ago
saying they're simply incompetent can still be considered a praise at this point since they're utter shit