Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Feeling incredibly off today and I have zero idea why
latest #33
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Just feels like my anxiety is spiking
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
The job hunt is stalling out, the position I was “preferred” for still hasn’t opened. I’ve applied to other places.
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
My mom has been skulking about since her last meltdown the other night and I’m just kinda
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Idk I feel like an exposed nerve
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
IRS shit is still in limbo, our electric bill is about to spike for the next like two and a half months because HVAC usage in the desert. I’m doing everything I possibly can to stem the cost of living but it’s...not great. Been putting more on credit than I am comfortable with
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Could really just use another win that would make the palpable tension in the air just dissipate a bit
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
A callback for a job, literally anything at this point. I want to stop struggling so much
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago
today is just... rough man all over the place
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago
i wish i could help more
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
It’s cool, I’m just feeling the stress
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Trying to treat myself kindly but also fighting off the guilt when I do spend money on myself as a treat
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
It’s a struggle
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
I’m not spiraling I’m just like
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
A fat bundle of anxieties right now
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
I’m like one of those little dogs that shakes simply because they exist but I’m 6’3” and the size of a mountain
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
I’m like a living smear frame
1 weeks ago
fucking hate those days
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
like ffs brain pick a thing to be upset about so we can get on with it already
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
my brain has chosen EVERYTHING
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
you're still good
1 weeks ago
waiting for callbacks is soooo rough
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
It sucks because the position I interviewed super well for fucking loved me and then they
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Closed the position
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Because end of fiscal year
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
And they haven’t reopened it. And there’s other positions in the same business that just haven’t been listed yet??? I know all of this because my friend who got me the interviews has been keeping me updated
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
And I spoke to the recruiter who apparently has me as a “priority hire”
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Which is great but also
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
“If the position opens up again”
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
So like hey maybe if I’m a priority hire can you just slide me into the DMs of these other positions? Please??
job hunting is so rough, especially when you've got someone like "yeah we love you" but they're not........doing anything
1 weeks ago
Goddamn fiscal year always making shit difficult.
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