3 months ago
Oh my god. Interview from hell. We literally drove ALL OVER a campus with no building markers for an hour. She’s 45 minutes late to an interview because no one in this hospital of twenty buildings knows where Dietary is
latest #14
3 months ago
We drive to the directions given. Turns out the “address” is a series of multiple ancient buildings. Some of them unused or for storage. Some for rehab. Some for public insurance, some under construction, some used as museums
3 months ago
We try a few doors, no go. I tell her I’ll bring her to the main entrance, maybe they want her in a cafeteria since she is applying as a chef
3 months ago
The first security guy tells her directions to the kitchen so she goes there and they say “no we have no record”
3 months ago
She comes back up. The second guy calls her interviewer over the phone. He’s in the “Dietary” building. She asks where that is. He points behind him
3 months ago
There are six buildings behind him. Most of these streets are one way.
3 months ago
I try to follow the one way directions and the only way I can turn leads me smack into a concrete planter
3 months ago
So I make some illegal maneuvers and we go hunting for this building
3 months ago
There is ONE SIGN on this whole hospital campus that reads Dietary so we know it has to be in one of these four
3 months ago
I look around for a big loading area because if she’s working in a kitchen she has to have deliveries. So we go to the only place that a truck is sitting but the place looks abandoned and the door is locked
3 months ago
Forty five minutes later. Countless buildings checked. “Oh I think it’s in back” “oh I think it’s attached to us”
3 months ago
It was a part of the rehab center but there was no marking indicating it
3 months ago
Aaand she didn’t get it because they wanted her to have more experience
jcf what a hassle. they need to hand out better directions and shit. that sucks. doubly so for the ending. :c
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