Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
Turns out I like vim more than emacs lol
latest #7
Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
Though mad respect to anyone who uses either lol
1 weeks ago
ah, a heretic
1 weeks ago
I used both during my systems programming class in university and my main takeaway is that these are both programs for absolute lunatics
1 weeks ago
yeah I prefer emacs because it almost, in places, acts like a functional text editor
1 weeks ago
if I press 'a' in it, it writes an 'a' where the cursor is
1 weeks ago
The best argument I’ve seen for them is for Sysadmins, 1) Vim will always be available 2) You can do heavy customization and automation, which has more value in the context of ‘needing to be editing big configuration text files that are mostly boilerplate’.
1 weeks ago
based and vimpilled
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