Nicholaj: 1. How fast and hard does your character fall in love? Do they crush easily? Meca crushes VERY easily actually. They have a bit of a problem LOL
5. What does your character think about romantic love? Do they have baggage surrounding it? Do they idealize it? Is it an object of longing and wanting, or were they really not thinking about it until it happens? What are their expectations like?
- No baggage! Meca just happens to be bad at it. They're a bit too independent. }
- She does kinda idealize it tbh he thinks that if you fall in love then the world is right and has a bit of pink colored lens of the world
- Meca kinda... they long for it but don't do anything to find it! - Expectations would be to be treated right tbh but it rarely to never happens because Meca is not dependent! And some cats dont like that
9. How much does your character say "I love you"? Does it differ depending on to whom? Do they say it first? Do they say it often, or is it reserved for special moments? A LOT. LIKE A LOT.
superfine: let me elaborate on this one! Meca likes people who are reasonable and easy to talk to, who like art, music and ballet. She has a peek for the bizarre too. And food!!! Culinary arts are very important to Meca, specially shrimp, lol.