1 weeks ago
...I was today years old when I learned there are apparently people out there who think Stanley, the thermos brand, is somehow derivative of the Stanley Cup. As in the hockey trophy.
latest #24
1 weeks ago
...the company has been making them since 1913, I think they're safe.
1 weeks ago
to be fair, though... the hockey Stanley Cup has been around for longer. XD Plus, also... personally I haven't even heard of them until just recently, when they were starting to be in the news.
1 weeks ago
And my mind just immediately heard "Stanley Cup" and thought of hockey. Because what else -is- there? LOL ;3
1 weeks ago
Though that was ONLY because they were being referred to as "Stanley cups"... I never thought the -brand- was derivative of the trophy. It was more just 'why call it a cup when it's a thermos? Why make that confusion?' ... Again, that might just be a me thing.
1 weeks ago
Even the company doesn't call them cups, so I mean
1 weeks ago
any legal fight is just doomed from the start
1 weeks ago
(especially since one of the requirements of a trademark is that you aggressively defend it, and not a single person would call a lawsuit 111 years after the fact an aggressive defense)
1 weeks ago
[nods] I guess it was just... whoever started calling them 'Stanley CUPS'... and that caught on, causing my confusion
1 weeks ago
if whoever had called them Stanley MUGS, there'd be no confusion at all. XD Why go for "cup", when there's already this super famous "Stanley Cup". (LOL)
1 weeks ago
They already do, which is why it's extra confusing that these people exist at all. They're seeing something completely unrelated and called a completely different name and deciding "no no, those are not mugs they are cups, and that means they're stanley cups, and that means you're copying the NHL!!!"
1 weeks ago
that's like saying Burger King is violating McDonald's trademark on the Big Mac by selling Big Macs, while ignoring that at no point do they ever call them that
1 weeks ago
the only things they sell as cups are specifically called latte cups and cappuccino cups, and definitely not "the stanley cup"
1 weeks ago
(and the thermos is just called a quencher, but nobody calls it that for the same reason you know what someone is asking for if they ask you for kleenex even if that's not the actual tissue brand you have at hand)
1 weeks ago
(sorry, the thermos is called a "vacuum bottle", the giant mugs are quenchers, though I've never once heard anyone call them that OTHER than the company)
1 weeks ago
I've heard news reports and all or -something-, though, calling them Stanley cups, which is just where my mind when "bwa?" Not that I thought there was copyright infringement or anything. I just wondered why they were calling them that. And just was confused as to what they were referring to, until it became clear [shrug]
1 weeks ago
Because, IIRC, when I first heard about it, it was some news report about either the popularity of "Stanley Cups", or someone stealing a ton of "Stanley Cups"... and the news -referred- to them as "Stanley Cups"... So me, not having heard of this company or their tumblers before, was just left confused until I saw actual pictures
1 weeks ago
I think it's just a combination of a strange choice of unintentional naming crossover, when a group is unfamiliar with the one company, and the confusion resulting from that.
1 weeks ago
for what it's worth, I'm not trying to argue. Just trying to explain where my confusion was coming from.
I'm just. THAT'S POOR PEOPLE GEAR over the prices
(my grandpa had two, one he got during or after Korea and a newer one. one was full of coffee, one he'd dump a 40 of malt liquor in
1 weeks ago
uftaki: I know you're not, but it's weird seeing people deliberately clinging to the idea when they could just like

1 weeks ago
it's a very "I believe this to be true, so it's true" sort of decision to be making on the internet
yes it is
1 weeks ago
Ah, yeah... That -is- the weird bit. But also very internet-y of them, as you say
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