فك يو
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
[nrcc bullshittery] https://images.plurk.com/6auWF89daTXCJLsqt8DQpE.png we get it newt you ship it
latest #8
I'm taking a moment to enjoy "hi, leftist, this is newt Gingrich."
Goose Botherer
1 weeks ago
christ is that fucker still alive
Yarn Temptress
1 weeks ago
On behalf of the state of Georgia, we're sorry, and the heat is trying to rectify that.
1 weeks ago
shipoftheseus: right? I kind of thought the rat bastard had kicked it
Goose Botherer
1 weeks ago
it's like. the black whole of rush limbaughs dominance on fox drowned him out. I think of him as an earlier generation of fucker
فك يو
1 weeks ago
researchboner it always brings me joy
فك يو
1 weeks ago
shipoftheseus still alive and still writing shitty books
1 weeks ago
welp. time to kinkshame newt gingrich i guess
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