Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
So apparently there's a character in Nine Sols that Eric described as a Kaja character and also you fight her.
latest #22
Feeling Dwarfy
1 weeks ago
Feeling Dwarfy
1 weeks ago
Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
She did have a character design I liked
Feeling Dwarfy
1 weeks ago
She's EXTREMELY Kajacore
Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
Watching that and damn I see what you meant
Feeling Dwarfy
1 weeks ago
Most of the bosses have been medium fucked up so far
Feeling Dwarfy
1 weeks ago
but Lady Ethereal's whole deal was especially fucked up
Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
Yeah I just finished watching that section
Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
And damn her deal was really sad.
Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
Now I want to check out this game
1 weeks ago
it's very good and IIRC fully deaf-accessible
1 weeks ago
there's a bells puzzle but it's based on visual info not sounds
Feeling Dwarfy
1 weeks ago
It's VERY hard by default but it also has a lot of difficulty options, it sounds like?
Feeling Dwarfy
1 weeks ago
I've just been mashing my face into it but like I don't have to do that
Love Snake Kaja
1 weeks ago
Hmm I can use the difficulty options if needed then
1 weeks ago
basically you can set the enemy damage and your damage as percentages
1 weeks ago
so you can like make enemies only do 30% damage
1 weeks ago
but you'll still have to do the combat. play the demo first
1 weeks ago
tbf you fight almost everyone in Nine Sols.
1 weeks ago
Yi is very feline in his bloodlust.
1 weeks ago
( I absolutely adore him, what a wonderfully written character. )
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