1 weeks ago
[ car stuff + rp stuff ] the tl;dr version I’m extending my hiatus with the understanding that then I need to actually do things next month.
latest #13
1 weeks ago
so, we managed to get the car to the test and tune weekend at the beginning of June
1 weeks ago
it’s immediately clear that the brakes are super sketch, but we kind of knew that going in; we didn’t have all the parts to install the ABS yet
1 weeks ago
we also talked to some folks about troubleshooting that so we’re confident that will be fixed by the July events
1 weeks ago
we also discovered oil pressure drop/starving issues in some corners; but this was also something we were prepared to fix this month
1 weeks ago
the people who made our swap kit released a oil baffle for this very issue later (after we assembled the engine, of course)
1 weeks ago
overall leaving that event we felt super confident that we found the issues we needed to find AND we knew how to fix them, which was a win/win
1 weeks ago
and then when we got home the clutch died getting the car up the driveway.
1 weeks ago
hunting down that issue has been a nightmare this month and then we discover the part that failed has an unknown ETA
1 weeks ago
so we’re like, are we doing anything in July at all? and then so I’m thinking I’ll come off of my hiatus this weekend
1 weeks ago
but then we find a dude on Facebook who can sell us the part we need
1 weeks ago
so yeah redoing all of that before July 3rd for our next test and tune will be fun
1 weeks ago
no brain for RP sorry folks >.>
1 weeks ago
/end vent
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