2 weeks ago
Made keto pancakes for breakfast.

The basic recipe is 1 cup almond flour, 3 eggs, 1 tsp baking powder, salt to taste (I do about 1/3 tsp, you need more salt on keto), and 1/3 cup milk of your choice.

I found the basic recipe a bit too gritty (reminded me too much of early GF recipes), so I add yogurt or soft cheese to it.

latest #13
2 weeks ago
FIrst time was mascarpone with 1 added carb. This time was plain yogurt - 1.5 carbs. I also added cocoa nibs (0 carbs).
2 weeks ago
That sounds delicious! I want pancakes now
2 weeks ago
Made about 16 medium size pancakes.
2 weeks ago
GingoGumbo: I think they're really good. If you're not doing keto, you could top with fruit or syrup.

Since we had plenty leftover, I may use some for an end of the day treat and top with raspberries and whipped cream (about 4 carbs for a small handful of raspberries, .4 carbs for unsweetened whipped cream.
2 weeks ago
I save fruit for evenings as a treat for doing good the rest of the day (we're actually aiming lower than we need to...aiming for 20g, but that gives us space if our calculations are off on something.
2 weeks ago
good thinking. It's always easier to treat yourself later in the day than to use up your quota early and have to feel deprived
2 weeks ago
will look at it
DW is still losing weight - not good
both of us need more protein
2 weeks ago
those sound good!
2 weeks ago
how much yogurt?
2 weeks ago
DevSpamNull: 1/3 cup
2 weeks ago
I'd like to get the recipe down to 1 egg and then I can have a bit more freedom to experiment with other addins.

With gluten free, 1 egg was almost always enough to hold the flour together, and many recipes made with xanthum gum didn't even need an egg. The only difference with keto is I'm not adding a starch (affects toothiness)...
2 weeks ago
so it shouldn't need 3 eggs, but I do know that almond meal/flour is very crumbly (it was one of my first experimental flours when I couldn't use wheat anymore).
2 weeks ago
Just found that flaxseed meal is low carb as well, and flaxseed also works for a binder. I need to experiment with coconut flour also, which is supposed to also give some toothiness to whatever you're making.

By the way, toothiness is what something feels like when you take a bite of it.

Wheat has a bit of springiness to it that can be hard to replicate.
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