T4T Link and Zelda is on my brain now that I'm watching TOTK.
latest #9
It's so cute. So cute.
I don't usually ship them, but I'm in love with this idea.
1 months ago
botw/totk singlehandedly won me over for shipping, tbh. I don't know if I ship any other permutation but THOSE TWO ARE JUST
1 months ago
wails into my hands
They're so good and the way Zelda speaks to Link does something for me.
1 months ago
they're just so quietly supportive of each otherrrr
1 months ago
i don't know how far you've gotten into the game but some later stuff in one of the main quests is just REALLY GOOD too
I'm not too far in, but I look forward to more. I just really love them, and I don't usually ship them. But this game just really makes for good feels.
I wanna play this Link
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