i bought the best pillow anyone's ever made https://images.plurk.com/7pRPxAOxWTtLOuGJswQkbv.jpg
latest #24
I love them your honor
world market is so dangerous
https://images.plurk.com/mragMLwx6KK7MGUwTpnNk.jpg https://images.plurk.com/69BIwMJULiXv4LZjWvCG1C.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6xD4EdiQwtWiHrB7QgQbaM.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1rE7nwd21EOLBWUADdIiDH.jpg other finds I resisted
the tarot card style serving boards are so millennial targeted i feel ashamed but i love them
what's up with world market and sardine themed merch and why is it all so cute??? i got a little tray with a can of sardines on it from them, it holds a sponge now
1 weeks ago
Those are so cute
chrysler goose
1 weeks ago
world market is soooo dangerous
chrysler goose
1 weeks ago
i'm not allowed to go more than a couple times a year bc all my money would just. zoop
omg all of those are so cute
eilhart: OMG I didn't see anything else sardine that sounds so cute
aconite: I KNOW I try not to go unsupervised.... today was a trial but I didn't buy

that many things ...
I also got this pillow bc pillows were on sale and I want fresh summer pillows in my life https://images.plurk.com/765AGtQBQLMUgKWOokcgF0.jpg
and then I got these because they looked weird and fun https://images.plurk.com/6s4HUixnS3XLhKquXBac2V.jpg
oh my god i saw

a furry in full Attire driving down the street with the sun roof down and the big ears sticking out the top of their car 😭
idk how they're surviving it's pretty hot but more power to them??

ears just jutting out the top of the roof was really incredible
slurm lord
1 weeks ago
soooo much cute
Oh that's is a very cute pillow!
1 weeks ago
wait that's so funny...i love furries who just live their best lives tbh
discontinued: it was so funny GOOD FOR THEM LMAO
Junkiyaz: when u come over it'll be 4 sardines in the can, join us
dead dog bones
1 weeks ago
Junkiyaz: join us
i love these pillows, oh wow
it matches the couch so nicely hehe https://images.plurk.com/758HM488TwIKRvqKjcyN21.jpg
unrelated to the couch but please look at this adorable Tokyo Banana my coworker got me a box of from Japan

https://images.plurk.com/QPpgWApftJeUZMM6MehrT.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2yajCGyl3JXU2y6wXJP5kR.jpg he's so perfect and delicious 😭
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