Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
[mom drama] so I have a genuine and honest question for people who are still on speaking terms with their parents
latest #109
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Does anyone have a parent whose idea of a “joke” is to make some blatant accusation, press the point and glare at you trying to force you into apologizing for something you either couldn’t help or didn’t do, and then when you’ve been guilted into actually treating the accusation seriously and apologize, go “I’m just jokiiiiing! Why aren’t you laughing???”
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Because this is my mom’s favorite joke and last night she tried to pull it on me and I told her to knock it the fuck off
Uh. Yeah no that ain't a joke.
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
For context: she’s actually been largely okay since the last time I shut her down. I told her she’s miserable, that she doesn’t respect me as a person and I won’t abide by that shit in my house and to her credit, she seems to have listened
no, that's.. insanity.
That's getting what she wants (an apology/submission to her) and then downplaying the severity of what she did to obtain it
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
She hasn’t bothered me, she’s been respectful and she’s honestly tried to be positive which I actually appreciate
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
I was even considering telling her that I noticed she’s changed and she’s trying and thanking her for it but I held off because I didn’t want her to think “oh I’ve done enough I can go back to being a shit person”
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Yesterday, I went grocery shopping and she asked if she could tag along and go to the dollar store next door. I said sure because it was 114 degrees and her car’s AC doesn’t work so well anymore
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago
... yeah man that’s. No
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
She texted me that she was done and she walked over to the grocery store because she wanted some snacks I guess? I got the text late and I was already in checkout so I texted her then texted her I’d meet her at the car
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
When she got to the car, she started saying that “you can’t just leave me in a store” etc etc
yeah it is not normal behavior from anyone much less a parent, to falsely accuse you of something just to get an apology
manipulation on a high level.
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
I told her I got the text late and I sent her texts in response that she didn’t get
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Smashcut to last night, she can’t find one of her bags so she asks me to check my car with her. It’s not there. So she says “I must have left it because I was in a rush because you abandoned me in the store.”
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
I tried again to explain to her that I was already in checkout with my groceries on the conveyer belt. I couldn’t go back for her and I texted her that. It’s not my fault she didn’t get them.
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
So she comes right up to me and glares at me angrily and goes “you’re not going to apologize?”
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
At this point I know she’s “joking”
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
She does this shit all the time and I loathe it
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
So I just said “I hate it when you do this. I know you’re joking and it’s fucked up. I’m not going to apologize for your mistake and I want you to stop doing it.”
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Nice and calm
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
She looks at me like I just stabbed her mother?? She starts going on and on about how she can’t joke with me anymore and how she can’t say anything and how she should just stay up in her room and not talk to anyone
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
I just walked away lol
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Nope fuck you
yeah you didn't feed her ego so you basically hurt her instead (eyeroll)
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
So she stormed out into the garage where my Brother was, took one of his cigarettes apparently said “I can’t stay here anymore” and walked out into the night
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Apparently she came back around 1 am according to my security camera idk I wasn’t paying attention
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
I told my brother and his response to it was a thumbs up emoji lol
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Because he gets it
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
i'm still stuck on the fact that this whole thing stemmed from her thinking you were leaving her in the store.
1 weeks ago
as though she was a five year old
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
And I wanted to know if anyone has had a similar experience with “joking” from their parents or if I’m just uniquely privileged to having a shitty mom whose idea of a joke is making you feel guilty like a “Gotcha!” Moment
1 weeks ago
I was about to say, can she not find her own way to the car?
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
and she can buy her own snacks??
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Like on stupid level I understand that she’s trying to break my balls. She’s trying to force a relationship I had with my father. My father and I gave each other shit constantly
Fandom Fuckboy
1 weeks ago
not with parents, no, but siblings pulling the "it's just a joke why are you upset" when it's not fucking funny what they're doing?
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
But the difference is, we always did it with a grin on our faces, we never got in someone’s personal space looking angry, and we never demanded an apology for shit we didn’t do
1 weeks ago
Nah my mom used to do this. It's so goddamn passive aggressive. They goad you into feeling bad and when you don't frame it as a "joke" to save face or something.
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
goodluckstarfighter THIS EXACTLY
1 weeks ago
this behavior kind of reminds me of my previous boss, and it didn't click until you said she's trying to force a relationship you had with your father. those kind of joking relationships have to be earned over time. if she doesn't have that relationship with you right now, it's because she hasn't earned it.
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
All she literally had to do when I told her to knock it off was say “oh I’m sorry I’m not trying to make you feel bad” and then we could have had a normal dialogue about why that’s not right.
1 weeks ago
She doesn't anymore but my mother mellowed out with age thankfully.
1 weeks ago
my boss would try to join the joking atmosphere my colleagues and i had, but because she was so cruel to us, her "jokes" were always taken as cruelties.
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
I would have loved to explain to her why this isn’t an acceptable way to joke because you’re just making me feel shitty and then laughing about it
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
In the end joke’s on her because she had a temper tantrum meltdown and I went back to playing video games and didn’t care
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
I just was wondering if I was crazy or if this is, in fact, incredibly fucked up and if anyone else had parents who pull this shit
1 weeks ago
Good on you!
1 weeks ago
That sort of shit doesn't deserve your attention or emotions.
1 weeks ago
yeah this behavior is definitely fucked up. it's manipulative
1 weeks ago
I think it must be a pretty common tactic with narcissistic parents. Or the emotionally neglectful sort.
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago
Yeah if this is what you mentioned before I conked out, I’m seconding what’s been said. My mom does more of the “oh it was just a joke/just teasing” when something she does or says upsets me
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago
But she hasn’t taken it to this level
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
redfirelight yeah this is what it was
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
I’m glad my mom has gained enough levels to have proficiency in being a complete bitch
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago
YEAH this is. This is pass agg as hell
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago
I’m still very much working on asserting myself to her, so super kudos to you
1 weeks ago
knighted: I just realized something when you made the connection to your previous boss
1 weeks ago
who here watches The Office?
The Cool Ranch
1 weeks ago
not in a long time, but I'm familiar.
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
goodluckstarfighter yeah this is definitely narcissism to the max
The Cool Ranch
1 weeks ago
The Cool Ranch
1 weeks ago
British or American?
1 weeks ago
The Cool Ranch
1 weeks ago
then yes, I am familiar.
1 weeks ago
there's an episode where Michael Scott "pranks" some employees by pretending to fire them
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
redfirelight the hardest part is divesting yourself from your guilt over making your parents feel bad for standing up to them so I get it my dude and I’m sure you’ll get there and I support you with every fiber of my being
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago
God it’s so hard and ty dude - I’m happy you’re at a place you can say “lol fuck off”(to an extent) and move forward
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Other examples of my mom’s “jokes” are pointing out innocuous things that are “wrong” or “different” about you and when you don’t laugh at yourself, she acts like she can’t joke about anything. Because more often than not she needles something you’re sensitive over.
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
My mom hasn’t ever gone into the aggression territory with “jokes” but lmfao she is persistent instead
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
It’s taken a very long time because were raised to respect and love our parents but sometimes our parents are just shitty people with no desire to empathize with us on any level.
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
You’ll get there dude. I know you will.
1 weeks ago
he absolutely devastates his secretary by making her think she was being fired, and then is like GOTCHA and she does the fakest laugh because she obviously doesn't get it or find it funny -- and like, this is the same sort of fucking awful manipulative sadistic humor
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago
Last night even she was being real fuckin weird and insisting we had plans today (we don’t) because she had some new idea to try, and would not stop until I got mad... but I did get mad! I said “you need to tell me in advance if you’ve made plans for us” so
I won lmao
1 weeks ago
Jaydeis: YEAH that is exactly it!! the same exact energy
1 weeks ago
GOD the pointing out rights and wrongs.
1 weeks ago
and my boss just never had any idea that everyone was uncomfortable with her doing that shit.
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
redfirelight fuck yes you did! Great job my dude!! I’m
Proud of you!
1 weeks ago
When we first moved in with my mom she was obsessed with my husband's sleep schedule.
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago
Flexing in the gym in both our honors
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
Because he can literally sleep whenever and she finally broke down telling me it wasn't normal.
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
knighted my mom is the exact same way. I suspect she’s like this because no one ever told her how fucked up it was and how it made people uncomfortable. My brother would always disengage and just walk away so now she’s hearing it all from me for the first time and her reaction is to meltdown
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
goodluckstarfighter holy shit my mom was obsessed with my sleep schedule too. She always went to bed early and woke up early and because I slept in because I could she’d get pissy like I was restricting her from doing things. In truth it was just her disapproving of my schedule. I’m a night owl. I always have been.
1 weeks ago
I told her if it bothered her so much we'd see about leaving to spare her from it. Hasn't said shit since.
1 weeks ago
YEP. My mom is up at 6am, bed at 10pm. Always has been, always gave me shit about sleeping late too.
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
It’s that narcissism. Always making it how “this affects ME and I don’t like it” when it doesn’t and all you have to do is mind your own damn business
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
It’s compounded now because it’s easy to impose your will upon a child but a full grown adult? Now they don’t have power and it drives them batty nuggets
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Anyway, I’m proud of the way I handled it. That I’m no longer afraid to just say when I don’t like things and I’m divested enough to let her have her tantrum and not feel shitty about it.
yeah the reaction and how you feel now are big growth signs
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Which, hilariously, she used to beg me to stop walking on eggshells around her. Now that I don’t, she’s acting like every time I’m frank with her I’m shooting her in the stomach
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Like she’s trying to elicit sympathy
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
But nope this is what she wanted! Eggshells swept
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Big Dad Energy
1 weeks ago
Hell yeah dude!!
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
what in the mother gothel
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
Just another day in the life of Ant
1 weeks ago
im sorry dude i wish my mom n dad could adopt yall
Knucolas Cage
1 weeks ago
I’m good my dude this shit doesn’t even really bother me that much anymore
Soleil wishes to bite all the narcissists.
Bite them VERY hard. (Either that or she wants Early Cat Dinner.)
A lot of everything in here does sound familiar on various levels in my family. And, for the most part, the perpetrators have been trying to improve. But, it took a long time, still happens more often than it should, and is most definitely not cool behavior.
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