3 months ago
this pbr lighting affects the quality and colors of items too. i feel bad for designers, cause stuffs going to start looking worse
latest #55
3 months ago
I don’t get it, everything looks normal or better to me 😅
3 months ago
I guess its the same long migration period we also had for windlight, until everyone knew what to use and how to fix the "shadows on the face". :-P
3 months ago
MarkusSlingshot3: Give us your tips, it wascso bright for me
3 months ago
Tbh, I don’t know about the two-bright side of things, since I’ve personally had to deal more with things being too dark.
Short answer: if you go to Onsu’s store, they have some reasonable PBR-ready EEPs
3 months ago
Long answer: PBR is admittedly going to be a painful transition because we’re moving towards industry-standard techniques (the industry being the video games industry), but overall it offers a more accurate depiction of colours and lighting.
3 months ago
Whether it looks better or worse depends on your taste and your ability to setup a realistic environment. For now, this is going to be difficult, because we still need creators to adapt and offer solutions to help
3 months ago
Old content is going to look reasonable at best and need adapting, but so long as creators follow standards, new content will look better, more realistic, and even easier/faster to render
3 months ago
In any case, all the old windlights/EEPs that many users have been using to literally flatten the lighting in SL in an unrealistic way are going to be incompatible with this new rendering system, not only because they were made for an older system but even to cheat the older system
3 months ago
If you’re experiencing difficulty with lighting inside buildings/skyboxes, then you can try setting up lights to brighten things up or look into how reflection probes work. Hopefully, creators will be bringing out builds/skyboxes that take all this into account for you.
3 months ago
I can’t think of anything else to spew out right now so if all else fails, there’s always the wiki:PBR Materials
Jay Giano
3 months ago
I have noticed that the recent update has helped me keep shadows always on. However, the issue is that it's too bright or too dark, particularly indoors. I am having trouble finding a balance, but I haven't had the chance to explore EEPs designed for the new HDR sky yet.
Jay Giano
3 months ago
MarkusSlingshot3: Thanks! the Onsu presets made it better in terms of balancing it
3 months ago
PBR highlights some of the problems with "realism" which is part of the light/dark thing (you know how dark the interior of a building is in real life with walls actually blocking the light source, for one great big issue). but it also straddles a very inconvenient line between trying to be too real, and having a whole bunch of places it inconveniently fails
3 months ago
a lot of that latter issue being a technical failure. for one: you desperately need lights now, lights are still broken in a bunch of ways that makes needing them really...not awesome in general. for another, the entire fucking thing about how they dealt with the reflection probes issue is, ugh, a huge fucking thing.
3 months ago
PBR textures themselves also have a tendency to over compensate in rendering, and be too in your face about LOOK AT MY AWESOME NEW FEATURE (most notably, the rim lighting is, wow, it's a lot when it should be the least obvious and there's no toning it down then). it's going to take a LOT of adjustment, both in how things are built and just in us getting
3 months ago
used to the new thing because it's different. there are things i love about it, but there are also things i HATE about it, and super awesomely they are often even the same damn thing as you don't really get one without the other
3 months ago
ajaygiano: where are the eeps at the store?
3 months ago
MarkusSlingshot3: i think it looks worse and im hoping they will reverse their choice in this but im sure they won't, even if enough people and designers complain, it looks amaturish now
3 months ago
im washed out, im not even the same skintone anymore, this affects not just me but all of the velour line. nothing looks like it did, how does this get fixed?
3 months ago
everything has a haze to it as well
3 months ago
okay the onsu pbr settings make it useable again, much better, now my skintone is back to nearly normal
3 months ago
They ate not going to reverse choice on this, so don't waste your time hoping.
3 months ago
^ they MIGHT continue tweaking to try to mitigate the issue with reflection probes and default environment, but we are stuck with PBR. there are good (and bad) technical reasons they switched to it, and it's all or nothing as they don't want to support 2 pipelines (it's too much work)
3 months ago
How do I raise the mirror resolution? Looks like this right now (PBR chrome texture on the left, and regular shiny surface on the right).
3 months ago
In preferences advanced put mirror to 2048
3 months ago
Ok, did that, must be something else ontop, too.
3 months ago
screen shot your preferences please
3 months ago
3 months ago
try every 2nd frame instead
3 months ago
I think there's some shit I need to fiddle with in the debug settings, I remember doing some back then when PBR did hit the beta grid.
3 months ago
That doesn't change anything. Tried it with 1,2,3, and 4.
3 months ago
let me log in with the sl viewer
3 months ago
did you make the mirror
3 months ago
Just slapped a texture onto one prim and made the other one shiny.
3 months ago
Do I need to do more? :-o
3 months ago
Got that chrome pbr texture from someone.
3 months ago
Oh and I have the reflection box thingers around the whole room.
3 months ago
Reflection probe I mean.
3 months ago
here was something with the probe. I can not remember but she has a mirror in there
3 months ago
mine is perfect
3 months ago
I now did set the probe from dynamic to mirror all. but that's still not good.
3 months ago
3 months ago
do you have rrealtime on?
3 months ago
Ah ok, with the mirror from this box it's better. :-)
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Also that brings my FPS from 100 to 40. Dear lord. On a rtx 4090. Now I know why people are complaining. :-P
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Ok, with "every 4th frame" I get back to 70 fps (4K resolution and maxed settings). Or rather: it's jumping between 40 and 100. Kinda unstable performance.
3 months ago
But I have no problem whatsoever with the windlight light. I use my own fixed one, and it looks all well.
3 months ago That's me with the new midday EEP. Not too bad. Wouldn't change the skin tone...
3 months ago
Yeah I think LL needed to better communicate the fact that mirrors aren't intended to be on at all times, unless you have a super mega cool computer ahah
3 months ago
Tillie: Gorgeoussss. I can't wait for PBR skins to start happening.
Jay Giano
3 months ago
Yeah i don't think ill be turning mirrors on, unless its like a photoshoot
Jay Giano
3 months ago
but if you search the marketplace "PBR sky" there's a bunch of new presets people have made
3 months ago
Most of the time, if you’re looking in a mirror, you’re stood still and can therefore afford the reduced frame rate, but if you’re moving about or just hanging around then the standard reflections are perfectly good enough
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