1 weeks ago
Just put in Spoons for Maul to get his Shuppet back!
latest #53
1 weeks ago
BlackPidgeot Trainrot lluosogrwydd marvelousmith So which one of them is gonna have to be the one to tell him it's actually a Pokémon and not a weird little ghost like he's been assuming for all these years?
1 weeks ago
I feel like everyone on that list is gonna judge him and think he's SO DUMB for not realizing this. (LOL)
1 weeks ago
Shuppet has been haunting his house for three years and he NEVER put figured it out!
Merrin will be enchanted by this darling creature
1 weeks ago
speaksincolor: SHUPPET!!
1 weeks ago
Everyone also very grateful they're around to eat Maul's negative emotions. He needs it!
1 weeks ago
That is halirious
1 weeks ago
Emmet would be like 'Well, it is good for therapy ig'
I think Merrin will possibly break down and need a Pokemon once she sees they come in ghost
1 weeks ago
Trainrot: This is SO true! Shuppet takes the edge off the worst of what Maul feels.
1 weeks ago
speaksincolor: Yeeeesssss!!! Merrin definitely needs a little ghostie of her own!
1 weeks ago
(also I have started to bring Emmet's horde over. I put in the wish for 3 Joltik)
...I never did anything with the Shuppet. I need to fix that. XD
1 weeks ago
Trainrot: Maul will think they are ADORABLE.
I gotta have Merrin meet Maul's Shuppet and question him extensively about it
1 weeks ago
SkylaDoragono: YES. Luke just comes over, sees Cranky and Shuppet, and is just like
prepare for a high pitched noise that no Nightsister has ever made
"Here we go again."
Luke had gotten a Pokemon too, but it came in its ball and he didn't know what it was. So it just kinda. Sat in the bottom of his pack.
1 weeks ago
speaksincolor: I could totally see her with a Ghastly Or Sableye following her about.
1 weeks ago
SkylaDoragono: GASP. Don't tell Emmet that, he read Maul the riot act for keeping his other Pokémon in its ball and never letting it out!
1 weeks ago
Maul was afraid of what it might be if he did, thinking it'd be twice as destructive as Cranky.
Morgan will be so amused too!
1 weeks ago
Emmet will beat Maul up if anything happened to his pokemon
1 weeks ago
In fact, it was a Mudbray and he would have thought it useless until he saw that little badass could pull MULTIPLE TRAIN CARS.
xD I should have him get that back first. Keeps asking for his lightsaber, ends up with other things.
1 weeks ago
Emmet v People with the Force who wil win?
1 weeks ago
komikbookgeek: The aesthetic of Dathomir Nightkin: Ghost Pokémon.
1 weeks ago
Trainrot: I mean he's got that anime toughness to him, that might shock Maul!
1 weeks ago
But Emmet doesn't need to worry, Maul won't let anything happen to his Pokémon.
1 weeks ago
SkylaDoragono: Why can I see him with a Lillipup?
1 weeks ago
And then Luke becoming shocked when it evolves and just keeps getting bigger and BIGGER.
...I think it was supposed to be an Eevee, but I like this idea. XD
1 weeks ago
Starts off with a 9 pound puppy, ends up with a dog big enough to RIDE.
1 weeks ago
That Stoutland looks like it is NOT messing around.
XD that would be so funny. Just like, goes from cute to "will fuck you up for a dog treat".
1 weeks ago
Maul would just take one look at Luke having a Lillipup and being like "..........It suits you."
Pffffffft and then it evolves.
lmao yeah I have an OC who ended up getting a therapy shuppet they work
diet lyctor
1 weeks ago
I mean it IS a weird little ghost but
aw maul getting his shuppet pal back
1 weeks ago
Velthrir: I have been WAITING for this moment!
seriously is!
Those big eyes are going to steal Sharon's heart.
garfs per min
1 weeks ago
garfs per min
1 weeks ago
well mewtwo certainly has to make friends with it (and cranky)
garfs per min
1 weeks ago
or alternatively get it pissed off at him like he did with dragonite
1 weeks ago
lobselvith: They're so adorable, I love it.
1 weeks ago
marvelousmith: We'll have to do a thread sometime where he runs into Maul and the two of them!
1 weeks ago
Cranky doesn't like most people but Shuppet does.
1 weeks ago
Maul is also gonna gave to give it a proper name now. He's thought their name was Shuppet because of the Pokéspeak up until now. (LOL)
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