2 weeks ago
latest #14
Polly Paperclip
2 weeks ago
Stephen King makes it up as he goes along.
Polly Paperclip
2 weeks ago
The original Star Wars trilogy was made up on the fly (in spite of what Mr. Lucas would have us believe).
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
should we tell them about software development? 🤔
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
DevSpamNull: The story of my life
2 weeks ago
Well, yes.
Fly Fisher
2 weeks ago
Snailquake says
2 weeks ago
I have to admit, I generally prefer a book that is planned out first - or at least restructured after the first draft. Otherwise it can be meandering and have no sense of direction or pace.
2 weeks ago
Snailrind: That would have been a better way to say it, if that was the complaint. It came out hilarious the way Teeg's post read
Arbieroo says
2 weeks ago
a writer with sufficient talent can make a novel or script that is made up as it goes along seem like it was carefully plotted out from the outset. Then there are the writers of Lost (TV show), who can make any plan they might initially have had deteriorate into a great steaming pile of randomized caca...
2 weeks ago
Arbieroo: We watched a few weeks of Lost when it first came out and then it fell by the wayside. I'd consider picking it back up occasionally, but never really felt the draw.
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