witch people
2 months ago
[ tfln ] Some links, possibly more after I get back from stores, we'll see.
latest #6
witch people
2 months ago
OCs so far: Billy, Shell
kill jester.
2 months ago
i wanna do tfln but it's hard in the airport 😭
witch people
2 months ago
blobulon: Do it late when you're done with planes?
witch people
2 months ago
Ugh, I wanted to do more things today but my allergies have been bad and my head felt like it was exploding for so much of the day. :/
witch people
2 months ago
They were actually so bad it finally spurred me to order allergy meds which I've meant to do for like six months now so that's good. But it did make it hard to focus.
kill jester.
2 months ago
yeah the allergies were killer when i was home
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