[fitness] I'm looking for a strength training app that'll create workouts for me. Any recs?
latest #48
mostly looking for something where it'll do a workout split for me and I can customize exercises
I'm bored of the app I've been using... and my brain is too dumb to come up with my own that isn't the same ten basic moves on repeat
I don't need it to include nutrition or weight loss. just workout focused on strength, could include mobility
chrysler goose
1 weeks ago
have you considered one of darebee's RPGs?
chrysler goose
1 weeks ago
i've recently started Spellbound -- most of their stuff admittedly focuses on bodyweight, bc they originally targeted people just getting back into fitness
chrysler goose
1 weeks ago
but it's super easily adaped to weights and genuinely fun
aconite: how does it work? I don't really understand the website just by looking at it
chrysler goose
1 weeks ago
to be fair lmao spellbound is one of the more complicated ones
chrysler goose
1 weeks ago
pathfinder is simpler but you basically click on a chapter per day and follow the instructions
chrysler goose
1 weeks ago
pathfinder is a more cardio focused but like on day one you do the cardio circuit 1-5 times, which essentially sets your "level" for the following days
chrysler goose
1 weeks ago
their straight up workouts are good too, you can filter for type and equipment needed
chrysler goose
1 weeks ago
(a lot of them are also character themed, for funsies lmao)
hmm i think what I'm looking for is maybe more weight room stuff and an app that helps me track how much I'm lifting and progressing. this is a cool concept though!
i was using Move With Us but it was like. nutrition and a bunch of other stuff I never looked at so I feel like it was too much

I really like that you can follow along with the gif of the person doing the things and the app will count down for you though
i want to put my brain on autopilot as much as possible
the only muscle I do not need :|
chrysler goose
1 weeks ago
thank you for the suggestion! this is a cool concept. It reminds me of the zombie running story thing
1 weeks ago
I think gymshark might be what you're looking for, it's what i use and its interface is super workout focused, there's no nutrition or anything... you just pick a category and then select a premade program
https://images.plurk.com/4ZhUeWLMx7rpLkQkJpBUEn.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3W8mm8v4ZqVrFCEEdWBqHu.jpg
1 weeks ago
its completely free too
1 weeks ago
you can also create your own workouts but i haven't tried that bc I'm lazy and just tap whatever looks good LOL
discontinued: ohhh thank you, this looks interesting! I definitely need something to sort of follow along and... think for me.... i too am lazy lmao
but the idea of having it customizable is good in theory afkg
i wish i could just buy like. half of Move With Us LMAO. i just don't feel like it's worth the price when i'm not using so much of the membership. but if anyone is looking for a more intense workout app with a ton of instructional videos, programs, recipes and a nutrition plan, it's really comprehensive and I DO recommend it
why do i feel guilty leaving an app, an app has no feelings akfldg IT'S NOT YOU, MWU, IT'S ME
unrelated (sort of related?) there's a cyclebar next to my gym and it's so popular and they're doing a "buy your first class for $10" promo....... could i be a spin class girlie
anyone seeing this: cast your votes
1 weeks ago
spin class is just the bicycles right
yeah but there's apparently... also music and lights and stuff? like a bike. disco.
IDK I've never been but randos on reddit claim it's fun
on the one hand cardio is good for you I guess ugh and maybe it'll be fun

on the other hand boy do i hate being sweaty
1 weeks ago
A bike disco
1 weeks ago
Honestly it sounds fun
it seems like there's an instructor and music and you follow along but their site says it's for all levels and if you need to skip some sections and just sit it's ok
which makes me scared LMAO but also it's good they include that

I THINK it's dark though so... no one can see your shame probably.... I feel like I'd be embarrassed if I couldn't keep up
1 weeks ago
dead dog bones
1 weeks ago
spin class!
spin so fast I leave the stratosphere
i've done a spin class a couple of times and it's fun! it was also dark where i went so no one was paying attention to me and my cardio is just garbage so i stopped pretty often
ultimately it wasn't for me because i hate bike seats a lot but you can pretty much do w/e and no one will care so i think it's worth a shot if you want to try it
TheMightySra: ohh thank you that's encouraging to know! idk what their prices are overall but 10 bucks to try it sounds reasonable
maybe I'll give it a shot after the work hell is over
GOOD LUCK yeah $10 isn't bad tbh
I feel like I need to mix up my workouts I'm getting kinda bored (not that I've been consistent lately lol) so!! trying something new!!!! I hope it'll help :T
Of all the cardio, spin is my favorite
Junkiyaz: HMMM OK u know I hate running LMAO
my goal after AX

take off into the sun on a bike
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