trader joe's register guy: are you enjoying the sun?
me: no, but my cat is, so that's something.
tjrg: your cat likes the sun? that's so weird.
latest #28
2 weeks ago
cats are solar powered
2 weeks ago
did they not know?
i don't think it was sarcasm, i think they genuinely know nothing about cats.
because it would be such a weird space for sarcasm.
dude even people who don't like cats know about cats' loving and eternal bond with the sun
that's like the funniest possible way he could have replied lmao
𝐦𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐝🦆𝐜𝐤
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
like you were talking about a pet vampire or something instead
it's very funny!! but it was in perfect "oh please continue making mandatory small talk with me about your strange sun-loving cat" customer service tone.
anyway i love this register guy.
maybe he'd never actually heard of cats before you mentioned her and was trying to play along pretending like he definitely for sure knows what those are
𝐦𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐝🦆𝐜𝐤
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
"is this a pigeon?" guy in real life!
Prof. Meowmers
2 weeks ago
thats hilarious
beware the ides
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
a cursed bird.
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
just laughing
enjoying the sun
a certified cat
beware the ides
2 weeks ago
how weird tho
a cursed bird.
2 weeks ago
so strange to see this cat in the sunlight
a cursed bird.
2 weeks ago
so odd
2 weeks ago
Maybe because a lot of people think of cats as nocturnal?
2 weeks ago
Abbybabby so soft
red wolf
2 weeks ago
maybe because she is a cloud
she is, in fact, a cloud
a cloud cat
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