2 weeks ago
[pet stuff] nothing terrible, just some gentle fretting
latest #20
2 weeks ago
luna's water bowl was getting kind of icky, so i ran it through the diswasher yesterday
2 weeks ago
i let it cool once it got out (i put out a temp water bowl in the meantime and she used that just fine) and then refilled it and put it back in its spot
2 weeks ago
she keeps going over to it, looking at it, and then not drinking
2 weeks ago
she's never had an issue with it before, so i'm just. hmm? odd
2 weeks ago
i brought her over to it and jiggled it a little to be like "hey, moving water, yay, safe!"
2 weeks ago
but nada
2 weeks ago
so i have another water bowl out in a different spot now, closer to her food, so she has two places to get water
2 weeks ago
(i usually don't put her food and water super close together cuz she likes to throw kibble and it ends up IN the water sometimes)
2 weeks ago
she got part of a squeezy treat just now and i'll put a bit more on her dinner so she's getting something, at least
2 weeks ago
maybe leave the sink running a little to tempt her?
2 weeks ago
i think she'll come back around to it, i just worry
she probably smells the soap and is just perturbed at it being different.
2 weeks ago
that's what i was thinking, aye. it changed and it's weird now
Hopefully all is good and she gets back to it
2 weeks ago
she's totally fine otherwise, eating and playing and whatnot. just doesn't trust the clean waterbowl
2 weeks ago
she also gets weird when i do a full litter box clean/change so i think she's just being picky
my little girl cat hates when I clean the litter box. she has to immediately go use it again.
sometimes she hops in while I'm still scooping.
2 weeks ago
it is HER space and it will NOT be fussed with!!
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