Lord Lady
2 months ago
I wish I could live anywhere that isn't Montreal, but also I probably shouldn't move bc the likelihood of me finding another job as easily as I found my current one is so low
latest #13
Lord Lady
2 months ago
honestly winnipeg might not have been the most exciting city to live in but at least it didn't suck as much to be poor there
Lord Lady
2 months ago
and also the heat is dry heat and not this horrible air soup I suffer through every summer
2 months ago
what makes you think another job would be difficult to find? well. ok jobs are always kind of dicey lately. but. would it really be impassably difficult?
Lord Lady
2 months ago
bc I spent several years in winnipeg trying over and over again to get a job and usually no one would give me a second glance. I only got the welding job I got bc I asked my welding teacher for help
Lord Lady
2 months ago
and when I came to montreal, I found a job almost immediately
Lord Lady
2 months ago
tho admittedly that might be bc a welding job does look good on a resume
Lord Lady
2 months ago
but I really don't want to risk being unable to get another job in another city without some kind of safety net
2 months ago
yeah that’s very understandable :[
2 months ago
you can always do SOME shopping around before the commitment of moving there. would another welding job interest you, and have you looked at what’s hiring in that field?
Lord Lady
2 months ago
it's been five years so I'd have to through an effort of retesting since all my tickets have expired, and the job wasn't enjoyable enough for me to want to do that
Lord Lady
2 months ago
besides I like working from home
2 months ago
that’s legit
2 months ago
some wfh jobs will let you transfer to another city once you’ve got it, so i suppose i’d say keep poking around at what’s available. the future is long and you’re not tied to any one thing or place for the duration of it
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