1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
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latest #11
1 months ago
hello :3 welcome to my plurk page guys
1 months ago
despite having a plurk account for over a year, i began using plurk after the quotev social shutdown
1 months ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
if you know me, hi!! i was first .prettycrazygirl and then ciockwork on q >//<
1 months ago
a few things about me ! !
1 months ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
i use many names, currently i go by neye, (ne if we are friends), will, tim, kym, vanitas.
1 months ago
pronouns are (in order of pref) he, it, they, she. im queer (can and will reclaim fag(got)
1 months ago
im a minor!!! under the age of 16. i do state my age in my plurks it is not a secret but i wont share it on my pinned.
1 months ago
im religious (shia muslim) and i do talk about it sometimes. not often but i do.
1 months ago
i am most likely mentally ill, and it affects how i act a lot. i dont self diagnose but i have done a lot of research for 2+ years.
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
ive been told im harsh and rude/blunt at times, if so i apologise i do struggle with tone so everything is either serious or a joke. on that note, i hardly ever use tone tags and do NOT tag/censor posts. block if this makes you uncomfy.
1 months ago
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