فك يو
3 weeks ago
attn: everyone from hot climates - please be prepared for us poor American northeasterners to be absolute babies about the heat wave this week
latest #43
فك يو
3 weeks ago
air conditioning isn't so much a thing here. pray for us
فك يو
3 weeks ago
(this is a jokey pluck but it's also 100% true)
3 weeks ago
This plurk is valid. Bought air conditioner. Already prepared to be complaining
3 weeks ago
honestly, heat with humidity and no air conditioning is deadly, you're not babies for being miserable...
3 weeks ago
like, it may be 115 here, but the dry heat and the air conditioning in literally EVERY public building make a big difference
3 weeks ago
nope you're not babies. you're not SET UP for heat like that
3 weeks ago
Heat's just bad
3 weeks ago
it’s so bad, my building at work is so hot i have a big ol fan pointed directly at me and it’s kind of helping
3 weeks ago
It's way harder when your infrastructure isn't built for it. (see: Texans freezing to death.) I hope y'all can stay cool. And stay hydrated
3 weeks ago
put a cool, damp towel on top of the fan so the air blows through it. that will help a little more, too
فك يو
3 weeks ago
upstairs is already getting unbearable, lmao
فك يو
3 weeks ago
i'm very lucky in that my house is built to stay cool in the summer (the downstairs, anyway) and warm in the winter, but even that has its limits; i expect that by the end of the week the downstairs will suck, too
3 weeks ago
it truly has already started. every window in my place has been covered in desperate hope of cutting down any sun
3 weeks ago
since it was v kindly linked to me: SOME TIPS
3 weeks ago
heat acclimation (or lack thereof) is definitely a thing, too. my Sis in Seattle finally bought a portable AC because even though she only needs it like 2 weeks out of the year, for those 2 weeks she really needs it.
Heat acclimation is definitely a thing, yeah. Anyone giving you grief over it doesn't understand that heat can be just as dangerous as cold if you're not prepared for it--and the preparation is in structures and resources and knowledge.
The only reason I've got my windows open rn is because I'm still acclimated to Southern Heat from my childhood. (Meanwhile the winters still destroy me, despite living here for a couple decades)
drama queen
3 weeks ago
yeah what everybody else said
drama queen
3 weeks ago
we're set up for heat waves and EVERYWHERE has ac like the idea someone had to go out and BUY ac is wild to me like your home doesn't... come with it...?
drama queen
3 weeks ago
like i guarantee you if it ever blizzarded here in la people would be losing their minds!
ALSO, I've gotten heat exhaustion before and it sucks so bad. If you need to cool down fast, putting something cold on the back of your neck/base of your skull helps a whole lot. Like, get a water bottle or a frozen bag or vegetables or anything cold and stick that right behind your ears (and another on your forehead, but I find neck works better).
It helps a lot with the nausea and dizziness that comes with heat exhaustion. Gotta cool your brain down.
فك يو
3 weeks ago
all of you in here are good people <3
فك يو
3 weeks ago
(and sluttyfeet , to really blow your mind - i have lived in eleven houses/apartments over the course of my life, and not one of them had air conditioning)
drama queen
3 weeks ago
(that is CRAZY!!! wtf)
3 weeks ago
To be fair, southerners complain about the heat just as much. Where I am we just get the double whammy of heat x humidity and you might as well step outside and get smacked with a hot, wet towel - that’s how it feels
3 weeks ago
I was playing tennis and felt it SQUEEZING me like so gross lol
3 weeks ago
Be sure to keep up with your hydration too! Electrolytes if you’re sweating a bunch! If you are getting overheated try the ice pack method mentioned above but DO NOT jump in like ice cold shower water or bath water, the sudden temperature change will do more harm than good. Use Room temp water!
3 weeks ago
Iddy if it gets super bad come to us, we have a few boxed ACs and my mom’s place has central air
3 weeks ago
Sergio got the place locked down - drew the blinds and we are basically in a big old cardboard box
فك يو
3 weeks ago
sadly i have too many daily jobs to do that, but i super appreciate the offer ;;
فك يو
3 weeks ago
i'll survive!
Coach 👻Beard
3 weeks ago
I will feel bad for you and only lovingly make fun of you!
all of my local strategies for coping with high heat are a mess for northeasterners except "stay in your car as much as possible because at least it has AC"
3 weeks ago
schools are having to close early for the year because they aren't air conditioned
Goose Botherer
3 weeks ago
when it was really bad in India, I'd shower in as cool as the water would get fully dressed (light cotton clothes) and the let myself air dry
3 weeks ago
I want a new air conditioner but I think I'm gonna have to shove the old one in there until I get it because Must Protect The Gecko
3 weeks ago
I'm not leaving the house tomorrow till she's safely air conditioned
فك يو
3 weeks ago
justghosts hahahaha I accept this
3 weeks ago
yeah, what Kira said. Heat with humidity is infinitely worse than dry heat. 80s and high humidity is brutal and I'd take 110 and dry over it any day
Goose Botherer
3 weeks ago
also don't underestimate how effective a swamp cooler can be! if you can buy a bag of ice from the grocery store and chuck it in an open cooler next to a box fan, that will do a lot
Goose Botherer
3 weeks ago
especially in a smaller room
I'm meltingggggggggg 🫠
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