Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
latest #97
3 months ago
Jersey sucks: you can't pump your own gas, but you have to get out and pay at the cash register inside. = ?????
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Republicans are even more than ever losing whatever was left of their fucking minds
3 months ago
I guess they felt "young adults trying to get entry level jobs do not magically have advanced skills yet" would be a bit too obvious
3 months ago
I feel it myself
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
(LOL) right
3 months ago
"Rip Donald Sutherland/God took the wrong Donald " was not a take i expected to see today
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
They tried to give her an easy out BUT NOPE
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
oh okay ta the start. She's going to get soooooooooo fucked now
3 months ago
oh boy
3 months ago
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
is that distinct from every other time they do anything
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Oh it's the Louisiana thing (putting 10 commandments in the classroom) but I didn't know it was a specific denomination even
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
kopperhed darn we should have gone hiking (LOL)
3 months ago
I'm afraid to ask
3 months ago
7/11 Truther (@DaveMcNamee3000) on XIt's always impressed me how others can so easily make a comparison in vibes
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
They're absolutely correct
And it was go hiking with a geek day
"CC do you mean yourself or Kyle?" That's the joke
3 months ago
I'd love to go hiking with you, but
3 months ago
"Economists are not sure how much of X% inflation is due to corporate greed in light of (1.1*X)% rise in corporate profits."
3 months ago
Economists are either lying or can't do math.
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
to be fair, there is the "lack of rise income" which is also exacerbating the greedflation because it makes it -feel- worse to everyone
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Funny enough Jason asked me earlier what my favorite corporation is and my Mom was like "NONE SHE HATES THEM ALL" and I said "Valve. I GUESS." "are they evil?" "They're let's say least evil I can think of?" "What do they do?" "Oh steam. They used to make games, TF2, Portal, etc. but now they just marketplace." "So they're not all about the money?" "No,
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
they are 100000000000% all about the money, they're just not stupid about it. and there's no overhead, it's digital, so they're not relying on rare mineral mining or cheap Asian/African borderline slavery labor, and they don't even do crypto shit because they've just found it unwieldy lol"
3 months ago
........it was a secret?
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
i wonder if cannon got spooked a bit by being offered recusal
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Nah she was asked to do it BEFORE THE CASE STARTED, it's just been leaked PUBLICLY now :V
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
and all she did was just ADD MORE FUCKING DELAYS so
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Trump issues UNHINGED statement, embraces ILLEGAL ac...Literally the anti-Christ of our time
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Reminding me constantly Jesus was, in fact, quite intelligent.
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Imagine hating yourself as much as Republicans do lol
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
While the Louisiana law was being signed, they had a bunch of kids behind the governor and a little girl passed out from the heat and the governor did nothing
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I don't know how to make this more obvious
3 months ago
"Won't someone think of the children? I mean, I sure ain't gonna, that's why I ask."
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
well yeah
3 months ago
the Ten Commandments sound very authoritarian if you don't think too much about their meaning or context or take them very seriously, so they're attractive to authoritarians and people who want to put on airs of Law and Order and push theocracy without actually being meaningfully restricted as a consequence
3 months ago
here's hoping someone manages to install The Law of Themela next to it
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I do want the beauitudes but they know Trump has broken all 10 as regularly as he can, right?
3 months ago
.....i mean, probably not all ten
3 months ago
i doubt that he's actually murdered anyone, himself
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Not himself, but definitely ordered it and I'm STILL convinced he paid for the Epstein hit
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
I mean he could have, for sure, but there are a lot of people more capable than "it's fine I'll just refuse to return the documents and hide them in the bathroom" who'd also really not want Epstein talking
3 months ago
it would be a little weird for that one crime to be so uncharacteristically competent next to all his others that have his fingerprints and his direct agents' fingerprints all over them the instant anyone takes a look
3 months ago
if I somehow were obligated to defend Trump from that accusation in a court of law, my first go-to argument would be that he hasn't been declaring out of the blue that he didn't kill Epstein every time anyone speaks to him
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I'll still put money down he did
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