2 weeks ago
[USPOL/The Boys] Man am I glad the showrunner responded to all the culture war "anti-wokism" stuff the way he did
The Boys Showrunner on Show's Parallel to Current Ev...
latest #18
2 weeks ago
which is to say, with a "cool, go watch something else, bye"
2 weeks ago
none of these people deserve to be catered to anyway, might as well tell them to fuck off and keep doing what you're doing
2 weeks ago
(though it's astonishing it took them four seasons to realize "wait a minute, are they criticizing us? AND OUR GOLDEN GOD?!?!")
2 weeks ago
it's so funny that they're just picking up now that the show has been making fun of them the whole time
2 weeks ago
yes, that
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
fuck's sake they got a literal nazi in Stormfront and the whole "people like what I'm saying they just won't admit it" thing and that didn't clue ANY of them in????
2 weeks ago
I also finally saw one of the "the comic book was better" people out in the wild and I was glad to see that the response was "what are you talking about, the comic was dog shit"
2 weeks ago
(it was, it very much was, and the best description I've hear for it was "it's a superhero comic written by someone who hates both superheroes and comics")
2 weeks ago
i mean, it's done pretty exceptionally with the trash heap that was the actual boys comic
2 weeks ago
the fact that someone can look at that and be like: i can do something with this
Roll Fizzlebeef
2 weeks ago
Literally the only superhero Garth Ennis actually likes is Superman.
2 weeks ago
i love that the deep literally got sucked off by an octopus but a bisexual character is apparently a step too far???
2 weeks ago
really just such an incredible thing to point to the next time someone makes one of the conservative wing's favorite "slippery slope" arguments tbh
2 weeks ago
i love how some commenters are like sister sage? and like, that's literally the first thing she points out in the show that it's a token qualifier cause she's poc
2 weeks ago
still can't get the joke even when it's handed directly to them
2 weeks ago
right but this time it was bestiality leading to bisexuality, which is so fucking hilarious
these people I swear
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