فك يو
3 weeks ago
[memes] to combine two that i'm seeing on my timeline for true s alliteration - ask me shippy questions and/or sickness questions (i.e. what my characters are like when they're sick)
latest #35
3 weeks ago
You have seen now that for Walter it's his throat that always gets worse when he's sick. What is it for Misty. Stomach? Fever?
drama queen
3 weeks ago
oh my god PLEASE tell me what shaw is like when she's sick
فك يو
3 weeks ago
ancillaries tension headaches. nothing chronic, no migraines or anything, but she gets the stabbing-pain-from-stress thing and being sick absolutely counts as stress
فك يو
3 weeks ago
she soothes them with hot water bottles and tea <3
فك يو
3 weeks ago
sluttyfeet "I'M FINE" /stands up, runs around doing ridiculous superhero shit despite feeling like death warmed over, shoots some perps in the knees, goes home and collapses for fourteen hours straight
فك يو
3 weeks ago
if shaw gets a cold or the flu, so does everyone on the team, because she shows up to their headquarters regardless
drama queen
3 weeks ago
drama queen
3 weeks ago
i would expect nothing else from her tbh
فك يو
3 weeks ago
i think if she was ill beyond just the sniffles and if there wasn't anything big going on, she'd rest up, but the instant one of her teammates was in danger all bets would be off and she'd be up and out there despite coughing up a lung or w/e
drama queen
3 weeks ago
drama queen
3 weeks ago
of course
فك يو
3 weeks ago
https://imgs.plurk.com/QEC/Ui3/eW065D0oqc3cqgXF7l26IuIQKXs_lg.gif duct-taping one's wounds closed is incredibly normal behavior
3 weeks ago
zerxus is so deeply concerned about all the people who are like him in worlds without healing magic
3 weeks ago
how the fuck did you all survive this long
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
Shaw 8| ducttape??
فك يو
3 weeks ago
she was offered access to insta-revival healing magic on the barge and basically went "sounds weird. in major emergencies only, pls"
فك يو
3 weeks ago
BBitsaboi it makes me laugh EVERY single time
فك يو
3 weeks ago
working with what she's got!!!!
فك يو
3 weeks ago
she also uses duct tape to make a makeshift gun holster at one point
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
...Abel is questioning his thigh holster, make him a more easily concealed one out of ducttape Shaw, so he doesn't have to bother the admiral xD
فك يو
3 weeks ago
she absolutely would if he asked!!!
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
He just feels really weird about wearing it when he's in shorts at the gym. Help him out. Maybe he'll mention it when he asks for her to just, keep an eye out for him.
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/6l8nnNAtQJ7hMsGGe75dM2.png it's not quite so bad but it's giving 'I look like I'm trying out for a porn in these 5" inseam shorts and my fucking stun gun.'
Natasha absolutely agrees that duct tape makes a suitable temporary bandage.
فك يو
3 weeks ago
see, NATASHA gets it; NATASHA is reasonable!!!
فك يو
3 weeks ago
BBitsaboi shaw's reaction to that would be an inward "oh that's hot", so she gets the need to have alternate options, lmao
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
Ahahaha xD He probably wouldn't mind looking like that on his off time, but at work it's just inappropriate
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
Abel's best features are his legs and his ass, so he won't not be showing them off now that he can wear something other than a skin tight flight suit.
you can get the tension and pressure and adhesive to close 'er up, all in one! (LOL)
Okay but does Malcolm win the “describe my character badly” meme?
فك يو
3 weeks ago
the description in that comment actually fits her well!!
he thought so anyway 😆
فك يو
3 weeks ago
it does! it's only the "stickler for rules" bit that makes cole go "lol have you MET shaw"
um yeah she yells at us for cowboy lawlessness
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