Becca Stareyes
2 weeks ago
Character dads.
latest #11
Becca Stareyes
2 weeks ago
While Aerich's father is mentioned on page, we don't get much of their relationship beyond 'a rival disgraced him, he killed himself, I'm out for revenge'. So, probably at least a 'respectful' relationship before his father died, if not good?
Becca Stareyes
2 weeks ago
Penric's father is also mentioned on page, but Pen is much closer to his mother. Like, not a bad relationship, but they weren't close. (Pen has two older brothers and four older sisters, and he was the weird bookish one.)
Becca Stareyes
2 weeks ago
Let's see, I also play Simon from October Daye, and another 'seems to have a good relationship with his dad'.
Becca Stareyes
2 weeks ago
For OCs, I have Bel and Ilphyl, who are Forgotten Realms drow siblings. Technically they do not share a father, because their mom was really trying to chase down why she kept having boys. What Bel will answer depends on if you want the closest he has to a legal father or his bio father.
Becca Stareyes
2 weeks ago
Both tended to have their maternal uncles (general term for 'men of the prior generation), and older brothers/cousins as male role models.
Becca Stareyes
2 weeks ago
As for characters as fathers, both Pen and Simon have kids. Both are devoted dads, though Simon messed that up by 'spent a century under mind control to try to bargain to find his missing daughter'.
Becca Stareyes
2 weeks ago
(It is canon that if you give Simon a child he feels responsible for, he will do his best to be a good dad -- in the illusion Titania creates where he raises his ex-wife's half-human daughter, she considers him Her Dad.)
Becca Stareyes
2 weeks ago
(Again, with OCs, Bel was a primary male role model for Ilphyl, but it went badly because giving an adolescent who had a shitty childhood care of their equally-unwanted-by-mom younger sibling, neither does well.)
I've just finished reading the Penric stories recently! I loved them.
Becca Stareyes
2 weeks ago
Woo! I think a new one is out in July
I haven't gotten Assassins of Thessalon yet, I keep waiting for them to get released in book form. but ahhh so nifty.
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