1 months ago
i see everyone doing the character dads meme & i raise you the characters as dads meme
latest #77
1 months ago
because i've gone on at length about how shitty and abusive both my dude's dads were and instead i would like to tl;dr about their individual relationship w being dads themselves
1 months ago
1 months ago
i find him extremely interesting because for a long time he'd convinced himself he couldn't have kids, because he was convinced he had a fatal condition genetically passed down from fathers to sons - which he later learns is incorrect, and so suddenly it's less that he biologically cannot have a kid and instead becomes whether or not he should
1 months ago
and like
1 months ago
several times throughout the books, he has hallucinations or elaborate dreams in which he has a son, or a set of two kids
1 months ago
like it's a repeated and recurring theme, this idea of himself as a father
1 months ago
but he has such a frought relationship with his own biological father, and he spent many years in and out of the foster system with abusive foster parents, that i think his logical surface-level thoughts are he should not have kids because he would not know how to be a dad, he would be a terrible dad, he never learned a good example of parenting
1 months ago
but i think there's this deeper subconscious desire to have kids, to have the family he never got to experience himself, and this very fierce very dedicated 'i will never be like my father / i will treat children the way they DESERVE and love them the way they DESERVE and a kid will never ever hurt as much as i did'
1 months ago
and in abraxas, he'd JUST started getting to a place with Sabine where he could maybe admit that he might want something like that, if he could guarantee a stable life for them. it just started to be a real future possibility, and now with Sabine gone that's off the table, but i think
1 months ago
somewhere deep in there, the desire still exists, he just doesn't think he'll ever get to have it, and that is very sad 2 me
1 months ago
he's just starting to get to be what i consider the right age for it too
1 months ago
it's very soft and bittersweet
1 months ago
1 months ago
has had a few shots at fatherhood
1 months ago
i think he really hoped Ben was his son for a long time, biologically, but the fact that he wasn't did not hold Dean back from going full-force into dadhood with everything he had in him
1 months ago
and he had to face the reality that as much as he might want it, his existence around that kid put him in danger. that it didn't matter how much he wanted to raise Ben as his son, every moment he spent in Ben's life meant things that wanted to murder him were just around the corner, and it killed him to let that go, but it was the right decision
1 months ago
the real-dad thing to do, choosing ben's safety over his own selfish desire to be present in ben's life
1 months ago
and of course we know he had to be a mother, a father, and a brother to Sam, so in a lot of ways being dad-mode is like baked into his processing automatically
1 months ago
his first immediate instinct is usually dad mode. it crops up later with Claire, it crops up with Krissy, and honestly I think those two were slightly more realistic choices than Ben because they're already hunter kids, they're already in the life, and trying to raise Ben as normal-never-touch-a-gun was exactly the opposite of cohesive with his own life
1 months ago
but raising hunter kids who learn to kill and defend themselves and survive just makes more sense for his long-term presence in their life. but like. he's of an age now where having his own kids is completely off the table
1 months ago
and boy... boy did he drop the ball with Jack. he was really set up for failure with that kid from the start, and then repeatedly over and over again any time they made any progress toward a father-son relationship it was yanked away from him by some shit like... jack fully killing dean's mom
1 months ago
but what I wanted for him as an ending in the show, and what I kinda wanna do with him in Abraxas, is let him pull a Bobby
1 months ago
let him be a dad to some kids that are his by choice, some hunter kids who are already in the life so his presence is a help instead of something that actively shortens their lifespan
1 months ago
some fierce family-isn't-blood choose ur own kids choose ur own parents type shit is exactly on brand for him and for the show's message
I love him being the bobby SO MUCH em
1 months ago
grips ur shoulder
1 months ago
it just makes sense 2 me
1 months ago
dean has such dad energy
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
he does i love him so much
1 months ago
he's like 50% dad energy 50% depression
1 months ago
put those things together and u get dean winchester
1 months ago
Aww I love the idea of being Better Dads for both of them and it not necessarily having shit to do with biological family. Dean as Bobby figure is A++ and honestly I can see an older Jack growing into that but for, yknow, weird-magnet neurodivergents :-P
1 months ago
(He kind of IS the Dad Friend a little bit anyway, it’s just that he notices all the death and has....a lot of shit going on, and doesn’t count all the times he keeps his friends safe)
1 months ago
he really is kind of the dad friend a little
1 months ago
1 months ago
disarmingly: look man. listen
1 months ago
nothing has ever made more rp sense to me than dean winchester adopting steve harrington
1 months ago
it did not occur to me until it was happening and then once it did i was like. oh. oh, i see. yes, this is correct.
1 months ago
honestly it was the absolute best rp choice we could have ever made
1 months ago
that shit just fit
1 months ago
1 months ago
1 months ago
u were like "hey wanna do 1 single cameo in a thread" and
1 months ago
1 months ago
hold my beer
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
here's a grenade launcher time to bond about trauma and ptsd
1 months ago
geralt had no idea what he was unlocking bringing them together
1 months ago
bless him he sure didn't
1 months ago
and like
1 months ago
i try to be a little picky in rp about who dean actually adopts bc i've had a lot of teen characters over the years try and slam their way in there and it doesn't always work
1 months ago
sometimes the chemistry isn't right or the characters don't mesh, like he's not the type to force himself onto antagonistic teens who are likely to be little dickheads to him, he's not gonna strongarm his way into dad'ing those types, he doesn't have that high of an opinion of himself
1 months ago
so the fact that it fell in so naturally with steve is just
1 months ago
i love it
1 months ago
and i don't know clarisse very well apart from fandom osmosis and what i've seen in passing, but i feel like the potential is there with her too WE'LL SEE but i'm optimistic
1 months ago
he works very well with characters who like. had real shitty or absent fathers, because he has this constant 'i'm going to do better than john winchester did' mentality
1 months ago
he had to be the anti-john in a lot of ways in order to raise Sam, who was constantly bucking everything about their father's attitude and parenting methods
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
i've always believed that dean takes more after mary (altho... like. early seasons mary. we don't talk about her character assassination after they brought her back to life.)
1 months ago
Dean as Mary and Sam as John is something i firmly stand by and i feel like the series always loses itself when it mixes this up
1 months ago
i fully completely agree with u
1 months ago
when they remember that below surface level dean is actually the gentle one... that's when shit is Right
1 months ago
That end of the universe AU with the little kid named Sam he and Blake adopted will forever be one of my faves for its heartbreaking and sheer goodness. Dadness for days.
1 months ago
god that au... it was so soft and good
1 months ago
i mean if it helps, in the AU steve and clarisse were also. besties.
1 months ago
so there’s that added connection
1 months ago
THAT DOES HELP and I remember someone mentioning that which has added to my optimism
1 months ago
If there's already a cohesiveness between those two it's a good sign
1 months ago
she’s his government assigned lesbian so
1 months ago
1 months ago
He must always have 1
1 months ago
What about Conner?
1 months ago
1 months ago
conner would be SUCH a good fucking dad, actually
1 months ago
he would be the most patient most involved father of all time, full-on
1 months ago
he'd read all the baby books and he'd obsess over it and he'd try SO HARD and he'd be at all the soccer games wearing the team jersey and yelling at the ref from the stands and if anything so much as threatened his kid he would burn their entire life 2 the grOUND
1 months ago
he would also be TERRIFIED that he was doing it wrong, every single major life event or crisis he'd be scared shitless that he was fucking it up like his own dad
1 months ago
the hardest part would honestly be just accepting that he deserves to be loved and that he deserves a family and that he's allowed to have these things
1 months ago
Aww, yeah
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