2 weeks ago
Characters Dads!
latest #35
2 weeks ago
Violet has two dads! Indy and Ty! They were only in one episode and had no lines, but showed Violet clearly comes from a loving family that support her interests... and even moreso, such big hearts that they took in Lena as daughter.
2 weeks ago
Black Raisin Cookie has no parents. In the weird world that is Cookie Run, Cookies can be "born" without parents, so long as the right ingredients just so happen to be in an oven. She does mention elders every now and then, so presumably she looks up to the older Cookies as any kind of parental figure - though ultimately, she winds up being the Big Mom
2 weeks ago
of the village, considering how she takes care of everyone.
2 weeks ago
In the original Darkwing Duck, Morgana's father was Moloculo Macawber ! While he did love Morgana dearly and was very proud of her he absolutely didn't approve of her fondness for mortals/"normals" and hated Darkwing. Funny enough, in show/comics showed that he and DW were a lot alike.

And adorably, he was fond of Gosalyn.
2 weeks ago
So, how did I translate that for 17Morg?
2 weeks ago
While he does still love Morgana, he doesn't respect her 'career' as a musician and thinks she would be better off as a Stay At Home wife, even trying to put her in an arranged marriage. As a result, he comes across as cruel and unfeeling, but eventually thanks to DW and the gang, he reluctantly comes around and accepts her career.

also fond of gosalyn.
2 weeks ago
and lastly, there's Webby.


spoilers. So, if you plan on watching DT17 and don't want to be spoiled, stop here.
2 weeks ago
one more warning. for real, it's a last episode reveal.
2 weeks ago
Webby was raised by Betina Beakly, and was told her parents died, but not the how - only told that Betina promised she'd do everything to take care of her. (I headcanon that Beakly said something along the lines of "I'll tell you when you're older" about what exactly happened to them.)
2 weeks ago
this was a lie.
2 weeks ago
Webby is actually a clone of Scrooge McDuck, effectively making him her father - and upon hearing this revelation, is quick to call him dad. In turn, he fondly accepts this title and role.

But boy oh boy, when you rewatch the series with this knowledge, all the times he's neglected her is a gut-punch.
2 weeks ago
If you wanna hear about any other dads of other characters i have, LMK! I'm also happy to ramble about donald/drake/goofy as the utlimate disney dads if pormpted
Let It Soar💚
2 weeks ago
Oh!! You may already know about it, but Frank Angones wrote a short script featuring Ty, Indy, and Violet for a DuckTales fanzine in 2020... Which was insanely cool really, since the 'zine was sold to benefit an LGBTQ+ charity - and also 'cause before ever being showrunner on the reboot he was apparently just a big Ducks fan
2 weeks ago
Oh yeah, I remember that! I bought it and read it myself, and it was very sweet. Apparently they were considering getting another kid, and, well, along came Lena!
Let It Soar💚
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
I always wish we could have seen how that conversation played out. Just. Violet bringing Lena home and sitting her down at the dinner table.

"Just explain your entire life story."
"Uh, if you're sure...?"
fifteen minutes later, Ty and Indy are outright sobbing.
Let It Soar💚
2 weeks ago
Right? Sometimes having no information on something in canon other than "this happened" can be fun and even freeing for fandom purposes! ...But other times you just really want to know how canon would've done it
Let It Soar💚
2 weeks ago
Like... idk, I think it would've been feelsy but also kind of hilarious because, man, Lena and Violet didn't exactly get off on the best foot, and yeah that changed fast but it's still fun to imagine there was still a bit of snarking and banter
2 weeks ago
I know, both are fun. but i'm just so :3 whenever stuff like, lorcana, calls her lena sabrewing because she finally got a loving family, after being convinced for years such a thing didn't exist
Let It Soar💚
2 weeks ago
All while this really sad story is being told, too, it's like... Yep. That feels very fitting of Violet and Lena. And yes!! It's so good
2 weeks ago
and now i'm remembering the christmas episode where it's shown they sleep in the same bed. is it because the house didn't have enough room for lena to have her own space, or because vi and/or lena willingly chose to stay with one another???
Let It Soar💚
2 weeks ago
Oh no, I love the idea of it as a choice... And I mean, I would be kind of surprised if Lena didn't still have pretty intense Magica-related nightmares some nights, especially only one season later
2 weeks ago
exactly. lena wakes up with a start, heart racing, and looks down, seeing Violet curled up beside her, perhaps holding onto a book she'd been studying before she drifted out. Lets out a long sigh, mutters nerd affectionately, and lays back down, staring up at the ceiling.
Let It Soar💚
2 weeks ago
Yess oh my god
2 weeks ago
there may have been one or two nights when she (and vi) slept in their dad's bed with them, maybe after an adventure went particularly bad/off the rails (perhaps after The Last Adventure) but Lena threatens Vi to NEVER TELL ANYONE. Vi just gives her a look, "sure."
Let It Soar💚
2 weeks ago
Also can I just say how much I love that in both "teams" of the kids, that would work for the rough counterparts? Because man, the same "waking up scared" thing playing out between Louie and Huey is so easy to imagine... Love that
Let It Soar💚
2 weeks ago
And pfft oh absolutely
2 weeks ago
aw, nooo. i can picture little'n louie trying to get into donalds bedroom after a bad nightmare, but huey chides him, uncle donald needs his sleep for his job in the morning! you'll stay in my bed.
Let It Soar💚
2 weeks ago
Yeah! Huey doing the "I'm a responsible adult!" thing before he was even in double-digits would really scan, and look, maybe it's just that I've been rping (and thus, also over-analyzing) Louie for far too many years by this point, but everything with him in the show is just... As a younger kid, he got scared and anxious a lot, you can't convince
Let It Soar💚
2 weeks ago
me otherwise! Before there were crazy dangers on adventures it was thunderstorms and scary tv commercials
2 weeks ago
when Louie stopped coming to Donald with these fears and anxieties, Donald just assumed Louie had outgrown them - instead of the more likely thing that Louie was doing his best to hide them, whether it be out of embarrassment of having them or not wanting to further burden his struggling uncle, or both.
2 weeks ago
In that sense, out of the triplets, i also connect to louie the most, thanks to one conversation with my mom - to her, at that point, "Never bothered by anything, so cool and calm all the time." THIS IS A LIE, I HIDE SO MUCH SHIT. And I bottle that up out of not wanting to bother others, so as a result, I come off as relaxed and sassy.
Let It Soar💚
2 weeks ago
Oh man, yeah, I get that! I probably relate more to Huey in that regard but like... Yeah Louie can be a big mood, ngl
2 weeks ago
"Boy, I think I'm going to like this cartoon show about duckies."
"... hey."
Let It Soar💚
2 weeks ago
Very rude of the fun duck show!!
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