2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
Character dads! cw: mention of physical and emotional abuse
latest #20
2 weeks ago
Maul - He had a biological father, but like most Nightbrothers, he was no involved in the raising of his son and it's possible Maul never even met him or even knew who he was.
2 weeks ago
Unfortunately, he got raised by Sidious, who for all intents and purposes WAS his adoptive father which Maul in acknowledges. He was a monster, a horribly cruel person, and should have been the last person raising a child.
2 weeks ago
Maul got all kinds of fucked up from being physically and emotionally abused. Sidious would show him occasional faux kindness, which he lapped up, and then be horribly cruel to him. He gaslit Maul and brainwashed him and generally most of what makes Maul screwed up can be traced back to him.
2 weeks ago
Beast - So we don't know what happened to Beast's parents and fandom has come up with their own theories. I tend to go with the one where they're dead and he was raised by the servants.
2 weeks ago
I don't buy they'd be at court for TEN YEARS without once going home or at least sending someone to check up on their son. So I figure they died when he was very young and so he got taken care of by the servants, who spoiled him of course.
2 weeks ago
Ultron - His "dads", and he DOES see them as such despite it all, are Tony and Bruce. He got a great deal of his personality from Tony, and like most teens, emotionally he feels most threatened by the parent he resembles the most.
2 weeks ago
In canon we actually don't get too many conversations between the two of them which is why I like to explore in RP interactions when they're not just punching one another.
2 weeks ago
He didn't get too much from Bruce but there's some of his personality there as well: his creativity and of course his temper.
2 weeks ago
I've never had a prolonged RP thread with a Bruce and would LOVE to do so at some point!
2 weeks ago
Rorschach - It's unknown who his father was. His mother was married but according to the timeline they were already separated by the time she got pregnant, so it's likely it was one of her clients. She told Walter his name was Charlie but who even knows if that was true.
2 weeks ago
Walter liked to fantasize that he was an important man who worked for President Truman but that's just the fantasy of the stunted child who never grew into an adult.
2 weeks ago
Connor - FINALLY, someone who actually has a decent dad!
2 weeks ago
Bigby was an awesome father to him growing up despite the fact he disappeared for a short time after the cubs were born when he couldn't be with them and Snow on the Farm. But he was very loving and supportive to them all and generally tried to be a better father than his own was to him and break that cycle.
2 weeks ago
We see in Everafter that their bond is still strong even when Connor is a young adult and he seems well aware of Connor have insecurities because he makes a point to reassure Connor he's gonna do better than he ever did at protecting the Fable community.
2 weeks ago
That's all my mains right now, I'm too lazy to do my others unless someone requests one of them, so there we go!
Unfortunate THIS MONSTER was his adoptive father brofist
2 weeks ago
Maul is still jealous at least Anakin got the faux kind Palpatine mask for years while he got Sidious more often than not.
while Vader is "at least he didn't lie to you and say he loved you" which has really fucked him up
2 weeks ago
LOL Both of them thinking the other one got the better end of the deal. Of course there is nothing "better" when it comes to dealing with Sidious.
there really isn't
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