فك يو
3 weeks ago
[tlv] pairings!!!
latest #94
فك يو
3 weeks ago
i'm throwing this up on the way out the door and am not going to double-check myself with pings, so apologies if i fuck any up
فك يو
3 weeks ago
PHEW, i think i actually got nearly everybody from memory
3 weeks ago
i have to run to dinner but truly love these hilarious
3 weeks ago
Omg. First pairing is with Ye Zun?! Is this really rng?
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
ah yess, the man who just informed everyone on the network how to arm themselves. not that it isn't important, just so much anxiety.
3 weeks ago
It's needed info clearly
3 weeks ago
sigh poor monk
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Ulla and Eric is hilarious
3 weeks ago
he just murdered her
this is going to be so good
3 weeks ago
mwingzero: I'm not sure the poor one is the monk.
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
The monk is free of worldly things
3 weeks ago
the monk is a little shit facing the retire evil overlord
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
Hanna may also object to being wardened by a child. What the fuck kind of weird space prison yall running here? Why isn't this child at home.
3 weeks ago
Ulla would vouch for Hunter, she adores him.
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
He's not going to be a dick but it definitely isn't what he was expecting.
3 weeks ago
as would Shen Wei
3 weeks ago
(also, Ulla's girlfriend was one of Hunter's inmates and she knows how much Taylor adores him.)
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
but then, Shen Wei has spent most of his life in times and places where 12 and 13yos were saddled with all the burdens of adulthood, including dying in war and famine and purges
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
Oh, Hanna gets it, he just think kids should have a childhood. His life got flip turned upside down at that age and it majorly sucked.
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
I think Hunter's 19 or 20 now after all his time on board, but since no one physically ages here, RIP everyone who came on board young
3 weeks ago
you're gonna look like a kid indefinitely
3 weeks ago
(Hunter was an inmate and has 2 graduated inmates of his own as a warden)
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
I had an 18 year old character spend 5 years on board, she was always grateful she didn't arrive a few years younger.
3 weeks ago
Shen Wei and Shen Jiye's world hit plunged into chaos by a meteor strike when they were 6-8ish, he's only just come to recognize that childhood should really be A Thing in the last few decades
3 weeks ago
yeeeah, being stalled not just looking like a young teen, but with all the hormones, could really suck
3 weeks ago
of all his problems, Nathaniel was truly so mad at being stuck at 'just turned fifteen'
3 weeks ago
extremely valid
3 weeks ago
yeah, fair
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
Hanna's forever kind of 16 body totally understands that bullshit
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
See, at least his first question will probably be "How old are you" Because the polite thing to do is ask, JUST SO EVERYONE ELSE KNOWS
3 weeks ago
yeah, Shen Wei's been stalled at around 17-20ish for 10k years, but when he has options he's learned to dress to age himself
3 weeks ago
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
Hanna has no such skill and is tiny so he can totally get away with wearing shit from the little boy's section.
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
Teach him this thing, please. Or else he'll be raiding the community closet for the worst and most loud shirts he can find that probably don't fit him.
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
BBitsaboi: oh my god hunter is so much taller than Hanna
3 weeks ago
How many people on this vessel had a real childhood?
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
....How tall is he?
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
/goes to check
3 weeks ago
Walter is just lucky he's personally the "ehhhh until they're 21 should I be drinking with them YKWIM" type so he doesn't actually have to bust his ass on mental math for Hunter, Taylor etc
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
7 inches isn't THAT bad
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
it just stings a little cause he's 24
Mrs. Sheepie
3 weeks ago
(Hunter has in fact drunk before bc he's basically brothers with Trevor)
3 weeks ago
Moira would claim she had a real childhood. She had a great childhood. I mean, she grew up as a literal wild animal but she thought that was pretty great.
3 weeks ago
meanwhile waningsunflower I went to add you and it asked if I wanted to accept the request you'd already sent, so - hi!!
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
BBitsaboi Abel and Silver is making me laugh so much
3 weeks ago
bearded pirate about to become a problem for him in a completely different way
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
He's terrified and just wants to hide his face in a pillow after Cain's network post. ALSO WHY IS HE SO ATTRACTIVE?
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
All credibility just flying right out the window before he even gets started. JOY
3 weeks ago
poor man. on the plus side silver is not unpredictably violent! he plans his murders
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
/gently gestures to his fancy drafting table, "You want to learn how to design a ship? We can bond maybe over the beauty of a perfectly drawn line"
3 weeks ago
pyotr is rolling his eyes so hard at being paired with allen, lol (major mood hanna, getting assigned a kid)
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
Or they could talk about how he's going to help his crew mutiny against corruption. That might be better. Pirates like mutiny right? Unless your the captain
3 weeks ago
Annie had an excellent childhood, and if you freaks would let her go back to her cool monster island she could continue to have it right now
3 weeks ago
allen under technically somewhere in his fifties literally probably sixteen tho
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
Pfft Feral child pines for the fields
3 weeks ago
damn, I missed so many cool characters coming in during my fuck knows how long of being useless and mia
فك يو
3 weeks ago
"how many people had a real childhood" hilariously Shaw had SUCH a well-adjusted childhood, which is hilarious because she's so...... that
فك يو
3 weeks ago
Misty's was also relatively normal
3 weeks ago
xie lian had a great childhood (if not exactly normal)
Pyotr had a normal childhood, at least relative to the Barge
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
Abel had a normal enough childhood despite being incredibly repressed by his shitty dad.
3 weeks ago
Despite coming from a zombie world, Maggie has the most doting parents, who alternated spoiling her rotten with making sure she grew up a responsible and relatively well adjusted person.\
3 weeks ago
as good a childhood as it's humanly possible to have in her world
3 weeks ago
Norton had a great childhood up until boarding school. Early 20th century British boarding schools were not great.
3 weeks ago
Hakkai is convinced he had a perfectly fine childhood but this is an artifact of the bar being so low in his friends group
3 weeks ago
(That said, his experience there was normal for the time.)
3 weeks ago
also BBitsaboi Silver has personally helped quell multiple mutinies, he's a close ally of his captain! Though, you know, you do you, Abel
3 weeks ago
Norton will vouch for Silver. Mostly.
Ian Elliot
3 weeks ago
He won't go straight to it thankfully but maybe. If it gets brought up.
3 weeks ago
for some reason plurk didn't tell me about this ping? (not that it matters, since I saw it when it went up)
3 weeks ago
but also plurk wtf are you doing
Goose Botherer
3 weeks ago
Jedao re: Hakkai's Fine Childhood is "that doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about childhood to dispute it."
3 weeks ago
Xie Lian tried many times to gently explain that he was probably a little scarred by his childhood and he never did actually face that issue (LOL)
3 weeks ago
Xie Lian starring in trying to subtly be like, 'so do you think there might have been a reason you were sure that your only hope of love was your twin?'
Ms Properpants
3 weeks ago
All the Saiyuki guys looking at Hakkai's chilhood like Guy Gesturing To Butterfly Meme "is this a completely fine chilhood?".
3 weeks ago
Walter was genuinely just chilling in the New York suburbs other than when his grandmother committed almost exactly zero murders
Lady Stardust
3 weeks ago
Iris ran away from home at eight and she's been feral ever since
3 weeks ago
lookashiny HI, your guy is my guy's first Warden, let's rock!
Mad Larkin
3 weeks ago
Hi! Do you have a post I can respond to or should I use his inbox?
3 weeks ago
You can use his inbox! I'm still traveling today so I'll be slow but starting tomorrow I'm properly around!
Mad Larkin
3 weeks ago
ok, I'll drop a comment in!
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