almost.... done... (endgame spoilers)
latest #170
my old commentary plurk is like eight months ago or something stupid so
new one. for endgame
we're just finishing up a handful of the final side quests
didn't play for several months, finally pick it back up and immediately start crying
did Gav's quest making the charm for the baby aauughhhghgg I love this HIDEAWAY FAMILY with all my heart!!!
gav talking about his past.... "I'm not even as strong as Torgal" GAV, PLEASE
and then we did the quest from Harpocrates to give Dion the wyvern tail!!!
2 weeks ago
also did the go visit dad's grave quest
I found it so funny he was making them ARM BANDS of all things tho lmao. at least call them bracers or something cool

bro arm bands..... lame. Elwin was just a silly guy and he wanted to make something but arm band is all he could sew
the actual equipment I think even says like vambrace or something and looks cool but all the dialogue is "arm bands" it really made me laugh
wish we could actually see it equipped like swords tho
idk if we'll try to finish the hunts too or just go to end game after the final few quests. I think... 3 left. aaaaaaaa
and then need to play the dlc...
feeble scholar
2 weeks ago
if you look at it in the menu it’s like
feeble scholar
2 weeks ago
feeble scholar
2 weeks ago
so it’s just oddly localized all the way around lmao
even bracelet is better than ARM BAND Elwin please
I'm just imagining he simply didn't know what to call it

he was stressed there was a lot going on, he forgot the word for bracelet
2 weeks ago
The hunts don't offer any real story or extras so it's ok to do them without! If you have the gear you need you should be good to go
it depends on if my wife feels the need to get the best gear for feeling cool purposes haha

I think we're good to go whenever tho

we're level uuuuh

46?? strong enough probably...
feeble scholar
2 weeks ago
you should at least bring joshua along to fight carrot
feeble scholar
2 weeks ago
i think he has special dialogue but i don’t remember
2 weeks ago
The Harpocrates side quest with Dion hurts my heart so much
court 🐸
2 weeks ago
all those final side quests are so good ahhhh
court 🐸
2 weeks ago
court 🐸
2 weeks ago
i was sad they didn't wear the arm bands(???) too
i know i was like what do you mean i don't get to see the bro friendship bracelets
i love all the final sidequests... hideaway fam ;;
2 weeks ago
Hideaway fam!!!!
2 weeks ago
I know it was lame you didn’t get to see the bracelets
feeble scholar
2 weeks ago
it’s SO lame
very disappointing!!
florescentia: noooo i fought carrot so long ago and Joshua wasn't there 😔
feeble scholar
2 weeks ago
NOOOO it’s okay
I'm gonna try to finish the game tonight PANICS AND CRIES

(idk how long endgame is or if this is realistic but I Want To)
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
i think you can
feeble scholar
1 weeks ago
i think you can too
1 weeks ago
yeah it's not super long... a couple of hours I think?
update I thought we'd finished the side quests but we

haven't LMAO
feeble scholar
1 weeks ago
oh no LMAO
auughhh i love!!!! everyone,!! all people you meet throughout the game and how it's all relevant all the way to the end and you can talk to everyone and see where they ended up it feels really well put together and fleshed out
even the rando dialogue of background NPCs....
I love to go check on the soldier and male courtesan in Northreach for example lol like how is their rocky relationship going (still not great)
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
the ending side quests made me so sad
the ending side quests were perfect
got too into it and forgot to open the bottle of mead I bought for endgame
I guess it's for the dlc now
it's called Broadsword
I guess it's just as well because it would've just gotten watered down with all my gross ugly crying
at first I was really annoyed at the ending lmao

but thinking about it... I guess it's ok. spent some time considering the things that happened in the ending side quests, and my interpretation is that Clive made it back. pretty bummed about Joshua though 😔
I really thought Joshua would be the only survivor at the end
and he would pick up his brother's mantle
the final fight was SO colorful and psychedelic and difficult to look at though, jfc I can't focus on all the bright colored blobs against all the other bright colored blobs. looked cool tho, I guess (my wife actually played it, thankfully, I would've probably immediately died eighteen times when I lost track of Clive in space)

I will keep

Thinking About It
dead dog bones
1 weeks ago
dead dog bones
1 weeks ago
I'm just mad that squeenix did this to me AGAIN they sprung another 'let's kill off the protag' at the end bullshit on me and they GOT ME AGAIN
it's so late and I'm so wide awake thinking about Game AAAAAHHHHH
I can't possibly play more people but sometimes I think about. Joshua.
I wonder if the game devs would ever come out with any post game dlcs... I feel like it's unlikely.

I just really wish they showed us the characters we actually spent time with in the post credits scene instead of future randos
I don't care about those kids I don't care about their puppy let me see the people I actually saw throughout the game rebuilding and not only being sad (you don't even have to show me Clive, it's fine!!)
I think what I'm most annoyed about is how I can see the ending being so good with a few minor tweaks but it left me feeling just kinda...... ok. i guess. I'll imagine all the other stuff i guess
it ALMOST, almost stuck the landing for me, so close but not quite satisfying
I hope the dlcs are fun... I miss everyone already
squeenix really said "we just want to see everyone argue on the internet forever lol"
probably helps seo huh
at least I'm finally free of spoiler fear..... and finished the game exactly a year after release which honestly is a record for me LMAO

played this game so fast
still awake I'm never going to sleep I'm just gonna think about how Jill was done dirty

also feel like Dion was done dirty too lol

I'm sad we never got to see Terence again wtf
1 weeks ago
LMAO YEAH THE ENDING IS SO MANY FEELINGS and controversial i guess for being so open ended
1 weeks ago
I personally didn’t mind the after credits scene too much just because it showed that they achieved the world they fought for... and that so far in the distance magic was so forgotten their names were just like legends I do agree that I wanted to see more of the people we spent the game with... I guess I’m in both sides hahah
1 weeks ago
To me personally as a writer I find it strange to tell a story so exactly and then be so vague about things in the end as if it’s more meaningful to do it... like I would assume most people emotionally invest in the main characters for a reason
1 weeks ago
I will die on the hill jill was just mishandled entirely and out to the side way too often for no reason
1 weeks ago
Dion’s ending I sort of settled with just cause at that point he wanted to die anyway so at least he died for a cause
feeble scholar
1 weeks ago
i feel like clive did too, and if i ever canon update him that’s what i’ll be running with lmao
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
i liked the ending and the fact that it's open ended but i know that bothered a lot of people, although i think ppl tend to feel better about it after sitting on it a few days
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
i think that clive died but used ultima's power to cast the raise spell and revive joshua and that explains why is name is on the book
i can go he did/didnt survive the ending, but someone had to have done so to write the story - and I believe that if Clive had, he would have written it under his beloved brother's name so he'd never be forgotten
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
other ppl just assume clive wrote it under a pseudonym
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
all these answers could be correct and i guess the uncertainty can be frustrating but everything is possible in the world of fanfic haha
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
i have seen ppl go full delulu and say that their personal canon is that clive, joshua, and dion all survived
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
but yeah i doubt they will ever tell us for sure, for better or worse
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
i have seen art of clive who survived and is missing both his limbs
i feel like if they'd clarified it in the ultimania, it would have been shared by now ;_;
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
yep for sure, they wanted it to be ambiguous
i do still need to get the DLCs, but with dawntrail so close aklsdkhasjhdkjshdjk
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
yeah i never played the dlcs either and heard they were just ok
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
honestly i don't even mind if Clive dies and I'd be sad but

to me it feels like a big ol cop out to leave SO MANY THINGS open ended for your MAIN CHARACTERS WE PLAYED THE WHOLE TIME
it's unsatisfying for the player
just give us a real ending you cowards
Jill was so mishandled but what else is new I guess. better than Lunafreya?? lol

the things I'm mad about with Dion is less that he died (I actually agree it's fitting for him and he wanted to die, it seemed like a kinder ending for him to let him go out helping saving the world)

but all the missed opportunities to give us more of him
also sidelined for no reason :T

his goodbye with Terence sucked, sorry, I'm so mad we never saw the dragoons again like just ONE scene showing Terence out in the world rebuilding, carrying on Dion's wishes
sorry I was awake until 5 thinking about this and now I'm awake again and I'm still mad dghsafghch
I feel like we just didn't get the closure as players for the characters we actually care about

from a narrative perspective I understand the future stuff and I'm ok with it!! I don't think it's BAD it's just not enough to feel satisfying
the game was so detailed and graphic and they chickened out at the end not showing us the explicit deaths lol

just make him a Clive statue IT'S FINE smh
I think he healed Joshua's body and maybe he was trying to do more but it didn't work his reaction just made it seem like

"ah... I tried. this power isn't what ultima said it was/my body can't actually handle it." and then he makes the decision to nuke it all
so my interpretation is he comes back, takes up the quill (good thing he's right handed?? lol) and writes in Joshua's name the same way he's taken Cid's name before

I do think he would've given the title to Gav regardless or even if he didn't accept the name, Gav is the Leader (with Otto who I'm also sad we didn't goodbye hug)
i just can't accept Jill being so fucking traumatized and that whole "you always come, like the dawn" and all their promises to each other

and they let her suffer more, fuck off

honestly if they both died on the beach I'd be less mad lol
SORRY I loved the game a lot that's why I'm cranky
imagine if Jill, running after the three of them as they left, decided

fuck it, i am a Dominant too, this is also my fight, I have some fucking agency

and she got to turn into Shiva one last time and fly up there
she doesn't even have to be in the final battle. it's clear that had to be Clive vs Ultima

but she could have helped destroy Origin! they could've both washed up on the beach, their mission complete, and turned to stone in each other's arms
a sad, but actually satisfying ending

cut to the hideaway, the baby and gav and maybe a few others actually being shown after the dawn

Jill gets her wish to be together. she's already said she's pretty much done with the world they're in. let her actually have some say in her fate!!!
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
yeah jill definitely got done dirty in the last third of the game 8(
florescentia: where is Clive from in the game? I saw you mention if you canon update haha
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
i also wish we had gotten to talk to /do more with dion before the end
i know i'm always so annoyed about how much jill is sidelined in the last 3rd of the game... i feel like just having her along and doing some party banter would have been really nice if nothing else

I'm only so mad because the WHOLE REST of the game was really good and I'm sad the ending left me feeling disappointed
I'll go back before endgame in my save file to play dlc and make up my own ending >:|
court 🐸
1 weeks ago
there you go ... all the dlc is pre endgame at least
I was like ohh maybe we should play it first but now I'm glad I didn't 😂 I'LL GO BACK IN TIME AND ENJOY THE VIBES
curious to learn more about the Fallen...
1 weeks ago
I swear I responded more to this but I can't find my comments MAYBE I'M STUPID
1 weeks ago
but I agree, even tho obviously I love the phoenix/bahamut/ifrit dynamic and I love dion being there, like... it made no sense he was there and jill wasn't I'm sorry lmao
1 weeks ago
it just felt like sidelining a female character, again
1 weeks ago
you couldn't even have the "it's cause clive took shiva" well he took bahamut too and it didn't stop dion so
1 weeks ago
I would've loved it just being the four of them and then dion and joshua could've died so clive and jill lived
Exactly!!!!! I don't understand IF HE CAN BAHAMUT ONE LAST TIME WHY CAN'T SHE
1 weeks ago
MAYBE THAT'S TOO NEATLY TIED UP IDK I think it would've been better
I'm gripping and shaking you
literally came up with like twelve better endings with my wife this morning COME ON
I'll die mad about Jill
1 weeks ago
I think it would make me less mad if she just was treated that way like... whatever, fine, but as much as I love dion he goes through the exact same things as her (being critically injured, losing part of his eikon) but can mysteriously do these things she can't
1 weeks ago
for some reason???
1 weeks ago
even tho they've both been in wars their whole lives??
1 weeks ago
like I guess you could argue dion would've died bc he turned into bahamut anyway and it's so hard to prime after clive sucks their power out but the game never really explicitly says that
1 weeks ago
and obviously I'm specifically invested but it shocked me you didn't even see an end credits thing of like... terence and the medicine girl? like you never even know if he finds her or if he died
1 weeks ago
and if anything felt like it obviously was gonna get like, a small cutscene it was them??
I agree!!! they completely dropped Dion's storyline lmao he literally just stuck around to be the Uber
and you're completely right about Dion and Jill going thru the same stuff they were both stony why is she doing nothing the last third of the game

I'm begging square enix to hire writers and producers who can handle a female love interest like she's an actual character
I feel like as soon as she became Obviously With Clive she was just sort of hanging out doing nothing else
I'll even forgive them for the damsel in distress plot if she had gotten

better treatment later lol
1 weeks ago
yeah it's rly unfortunate... I get the game is about Brothers but I'm like why bother giving clive a love interest then
we really deserved to see Terence and the medicine girl again uyuygghhfhh
I guess the only fix for this is more cr with the ff16s
man I'm kinda sad I never got to really play Rhy off Dion I feel like their cr could've been really good but I was too slow lmao
1 weeks ago
it's ok ;-; they would've definitely been fun but I enjoyed what we had
1 weeks ago
we can still get cr!!!!
feeble scholar
1 weeks ago
from right before ultima fully fades away!
feeble scholar
1 weeks ago
it was as close to the end i could get without having to decide at that time if he lived or died lmao
1 weeks ago
dion is very easy to bully
feeble scholar
1 weeks ago
but he is under the impression that if he goes back home he’s going to die
1 weeks ago
unfortunate everyone was dead and couldn't confirm for him SDLMGWSD
ciri should bully dion
1 weeks ago
feeble scholar
1 weeks ago
scathefire: YEAH LMFAO jill also assumes he died so
1 weeks ago
I'm so glad for Abraxas ff16 cast so the ending is softened for me, specifically
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